這里隱藏get set方法
public class BatchManagerViewVo implements Serializable{ /** * @Description: serialVersionUID : TODO */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private List<ResourcesItemDto> resourceItem; private List<PriceInfoDto> priceInfo; /** * 主鍵(PM200600001) */ @Id @Column(name = "ID") private String id; public List<ResourcesItemDto> getResourceItem() { return resourceItem; } public void setResourceItem(List<ResourcesItemDto> resourceItem) { this.resourceItem = resourceItem; } public List<PriceInfoDto> getPriceInfo() { return priceInfo; } public void setPriceInfo(List<PriceInfoDto> priceInfo) { this.priceInfo = priceInfo; } /** * 場次名稱 */ @Column(name = "BATCH_NAME") private String batchName; /** * 會員名稱 */ @Column(name = "MEMBER_NAME") private String memberName; /** * 發起競價的會員代碼 */ @Column(name = "MEMBER_CODE") private String memberCode; /** * 委托狀態:0-已生成,1-已發布,2.競價中 3-已撤消,4--已作廢,5-已完成 */ @Column(name = "BATCH_STATE") private String batchState; /** * 委托申請時間 */ @Column(name = "BATCH_DATE") private Date batchDate; /** * 結束時間 */ @Column(name = "END_TIME") private Date endTime; /** * 開始時間 */ @Column(name = "START_TIME") private Date startTime; /** * 履約保證金是否已經支付 1 - 已經支付 0 - 未支付(只有此狀態為1才允許開始拍賣) */ @Column(name = "BOND_PAYMENT_STATUS") private String bondPaymentStatus; /** * 結算方式:1-場外結算(默認) 2- 場內結算 */ @Column(name = "SETTLEMENT_MODE") private String settlementMode; /** * 作廢時間 */ @Column(name = "INVALID_DATE") private Date invalidDate; /** * 審核操作員 */ @Column(name = "AUDIT_OPERATOR") private String auditOperator; /** * 終止操作員 */ @Column(name = "STOP_OPERATOR") private String stopOperator; /** * 作廢操作員 */ @Column(name = "INVALID_OPERATOR") private String invalidOperator; /** * 申請操作員 */ @Column(name = "APPLY_OPERATOR") private String applyOperator; /** * 公告日 */ @Column(name = "ANNOUNCEMENT_DAY") private Date announcementDay; /** * 競價日 */ @Column(name = "BID_DAY") private Date bidDay; /** * 買方保證金 */ @Column(name = "BUYER_DEPOSIT") private BigDecimal buyerDeposit; /** * 賣家保證金 */ @Column(name = "SELLER_BOND") private BigDecimal sellerBond; /** * 強制終止理由 */ @Column(name = "FORCED_TERMINATION_REASON") private String forcedTerminationReason; /** * 終止委托審核理由(待定) */ @Column(name = "AUDIT_STOP_REASON") private String auditStopReason; /** * 終止委托審核時間(待定) */ @Column(name = "AUDIT_STOP_DATE") private Date auditStopDate; /** * 終止委托申請理由(待定) */ @Column(name = "APPLY_STOP_REASON") private String applyStopReason; /** * 終止委托申請時間(待定) */ @Column(name = "APPLY_STOP_DATE") private Date applyStopDate; /** * 拒絕審核委托理由(待定) */ @Column(name = "REFUSE_AUDIT_REASON") private String refuseAuditReason; /** * 委托審核時間(待定) */ @Column(name = "AUDIT_TIME") private Date auditTime; /** * 定向競價0否1是1 */ @Column(name = "IS_DIRECTIONAL_BID") private String isDirectionalBid; /** * 定向的原因,當場次定向時必須輸入 */ @Column(name = "DIRECTIONAL_REASON") private String directionalReason; /** * 是否需要發送短信0不發送1發送 */ @Column(name = "IS_SEND_MESSAGE") private String isSendMessage; /** * 是否顯示中標價格 */ @Column(name = "IS_SHOW_DEAL_PRICE") private String isShowDealPrice; /** * 是否顯示定價 */ @Column(name = "IS_SHOW_ORDER_PRICE") private String isShowOrderPrice; /** * 是否顯示中標會員 */ @Column(name = "IS_SHOW_DEAL_MEMBER") private String isShowDealMember; /** * 最少響應人數 */ @Column(name = "MINIMUM_RESPONSE") private String minimumResponse; /** * 是否顯示成交結果 */ @Column(name = "ISSHOWDEALRESULT") private String isshowdealresult; /** * 競價模式:1-公開增價,2自由報價,3-荷式競價 */ @Column(name = "BIDDING_TYPE") private String biddingType; /** * 報盤方式:1-單價,2-總價 */ @Column(name = "OFFER_TYPE") private String offerType; /** * 是否顯示起拍價 1顯示(默認) 2不顯示 */ @Column(name = "IS_SHOW_STARTING_PIRCE") private String isShowStartingPirce; /** * 域名 */ @Column(name = "DOAMIN") private String doamin; /** * 協議 */ @Column(name = "EDITMENT") private String editment; }
<select id="findSellerBatchInfo" parameterType="com.ouyeel.chem.bdt.search.BatchManagerSerachModel" resultMap="batchInfoMap"> select batch.ID, batch.BATCH_NAME, batch.BATCH_STATE batch_state, batch.START_TIME batch_start_time, batch.END_TIME batch_end_time, batch.IS_DIRECTIONAL_BID batch_is_direc, batch.BUYER_DEPOSIT batch_buyer_deposit, batch.BIDDING_TYPE batch_bidding_type, batch.OFFER_TYPE batch_offer_type, batch.BATCH_DATE batch_date, batch.ANNOUNCEMENT_DAY batch_announ, batch.BID_DAY batch_bid_day, price.id price_id, price.STARTING_PIRCE price_starting_price, price.BIDDING_GRADIENT price_bidding_gradient, price.TAX_RATE price_tax_rate, price.TAX_FREE_PRICE price_tax_free_price, price.RESERVE_PRICE price_reserve_price, item.PRODUCT_NAME item_product_name, item.PRODUCT_NO item_product_no, item.PACKAGES item_packages, item.ORIGIN_PLACE item_origin_place, item.WAREHOUSE_NAME item_warehouse, item.PIECE_UNIT item_piece_unit, item.TRADING_WEIGHT item_trading_weight from bdt_batch batch left join bdt_resources_item item on item.batch_id = batch.id left join bdt_price_info price on price.batch_id = batch.id and item.id = price.item_id where batch.member_code = #{memberCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}<!-- and batch.id = 'P170508005' --> <if test="id != null and id != '' "> and batch.id like '%${id}%' </if> <if test="startTime != null and startTime != '' "> and batch.batch_date >= #{startTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} </if> <if test="endTime != null and endTime != '' "> and batch.batch_date <= #{endTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} </if> <if test="batchState != null and batchState != '' "> and batch.batch_state = #{batchState,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </if> <if test="sidx != null and sidx != '' "> order by batch.${sidx} ${sord} </if> <if test="sidx == null or sidx ==''"> order by batch.id desc </if> </select>
<resultMap type="com.ouyeel.chem.bdt.entity.vo.BatchManagerViewVo" id="batchInfoMap"> <!-- association字面意思關聯,這里只專門做一對一關聯; property表示是com.mybatis.bean.StudentTemp中的屬性名稱; javaType表示該屬性是什么類型對象 --> <!-- property 表示com.mybatis.bean.Class中的屬性; column 表示表中的列名 --> <id property="id" column="id"/> <result property="batchName" column="batch_name"/> <result property="startTime" column="batch_start_time"/> <result property="endTime" column="batch_end_time"/> <result property="isDirectionalBid" column="batch_is_direc"/> <result property="batchState" column="batch_state"/> <result property="buyerDeposit" column="batch_buyer_deposit"/> <result property="biddingType" column="batch_bidding_type"/> <result property="offerType" column="batch_offer_type"/> <result property="batchDate" column="batch_date"/> <result property="announcementDay" column="batch_announ"/> <result property="bidDay" column="batch_bid_day"/> <!-- property表示集合類型屬性名稱,ofType表示集合中的對象是什么類型 --> <collection property="priceInfo" ofType="com.ouyeel.chem.bdt.entity.PriceInfoDto"> <id property="id" column="price_id"/> <result property="startingPirce" column="price_starting_price"/> <result property="biddingGradient" column="price_bidding_gradient"/> <result property="taxRate" column="price_tax_rate"/> <result property="taxFreePrice" column="price_tax_free_price"/> <result property="reservePrice" column="price_reserve_price"/> </collection> <!-- property表示集合類型屬性名稱,ofType表示集合中的對象是什么類型 --> <collection property="resourceItem" ofType="com.ouyeel.chem.bdt.entity.ResourcesItemDto"> <result property="productName" column="item_product_name"/> <result property="productNo" column="item_product_no"/> <result property="packages" column="item_packages"/> <result property="originPlace" column="item_origin_place"/> <result property="warehouseName" column="item_warehouse"/> <result property="pieceUnit" column="item_piece_unit"/> <result property="tradingWeight" column="item_trading_weight"/> </collection> </resultMap>
package com.kxlive.erp.sc.stock.vo; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat; import com.kxlive.erp.sc.stock.po.PurchaseDeliver; public class QueryPurchaseDeliverVo extends PurchaseDeliver{ private Long merchantId; private Long stockId; @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") private Date startTime;//發貨開始時間 @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") private Date endTime;//發貨結束時間 private Integer page;//當前頁 private Integer rows;//每頁記錄數 private String stockName;//倉庫名 private String supplierName;//供應商名稱 private List<Long> condSupplierIds;//供應商IDs private List<Integer> condStatuss;//狀態s public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(Date startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public Date getEndTime() { return endTime; } public void setEndTime(Date endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; } public Integer getPage() { return page; } public void setPage(Integer page) { this.page = page; } public Integer getRows() { return rows; } public void setRows(Integer rows) { this.rows = rows; } public String getStockName() { return stockName; } public void setStockName(String stockName) { this.stockName = stockName; } public String getSupplierName() { return supplierName; } public void setSupplierName(String supplierName) { this.supplierName = supplierName; } public List<Long> getCondSupplierIds() { return condSupplierIds; } public void setCondSupplierIds(List<Long> condSupplierIds) { this.condSupplierIds = condSupplierIds; } public List<Integer> getCondStatuss() { return condStatuss; } public void setCondStatuss(List<Integer> condStatuss) { this.condStatuss = condStatuss; } public Long getMerchantId() { return merchantId; } public void setMerchantId(Long merchantId) { this.merchantId = merchantId; } public Long getStockId() { return stockId; } public void setStockId(Long stockId) { this.stockId = stockId; } }
<select id="selectPurchaseDeliverByPrimaryKeySelective" resultMap="purchaseResultMap"> select t2. name stock_name, t3. supplier_name, t1.* from T_SC_PURCHASE_DELIVER t1 left join T_SC_STOCK t2 on t1.purchase_stock_id = t2.id left join T_SC_SUPPLIER t3 on t1.supplier_id = t3.id <where> <if test="queryCondition.ifDel != null"> and t1.if_del=#{queryCondition.ifDel,jdbcType=INTEGER} </if> <if test="queryCondition.condSupplierIds != null"> and t1.supplier_id in <foreach collection="queryCondition.condSupplierIds" item="supplierId" index="index" separator="," open="(" close=")"> #{queryCondition.condSupplierIds[${index}],jdbcType=BIGINT} </foreach> </if> <if test="queryCondition.condStatuss != null"> and t1.status in <span ><foreach collection="queryCondition.condStatuss" item="status" separator="," index="index" open="(" close=")"> #{queryCondition.condStatuss[${index}],jdbcType=INTEGER} </foreach></span> </if> <if test="queryCondition.merchantId != null"> and t1.merchant_id=#{queryCondition.merchantId,jdbcType=BIGINT} </if> <if test="queryCondition.stockId != null"> and t1.purchase_stock_id=#{queryCondition.stockId,jdbcType=BIGINT} </if> <if test="queryCondition.startTime != null"> <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(t1.create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') >= DATE_FORMAT(#{queryCondition.startTime}, '%Y-%m-%d')]]> </if> <if test="queryCondition.endTime != null"> <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(t1.create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(#{queryCondition.endTime}, '%Y-%m-%d')]]> </if> <if test="queryCondition.name != null and queryCondition.name != '' "> and t1.name like CONCAT('%', #{queryCondition.name, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%') </if> <if test="queryCondition.deliverNo != null"> and t1.deliver_no like CONCAT('%', #{queryCondition.deliverNo, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%') </if> </where> order by t1.create_time desc </select>