CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse]( [Id] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, --主鍵 [OfficalAccountId] [varchar](50) NULL, --所屬公眾號 [MessageRule] [int] NULL, --消息規則(枚舉) [Category] [int] NULL, --類型(枚舉) [MatchKey] [varchar](1000) NULL, --關鍵字 [TextContent] [varchar](max) NULL, --文本內容 [ImgTextContext] [varchar](max) NULL, --圖文文本內容 [ImgTextUrl] [varchar](1000) NULL, --圖文圖片URL [ImgTextLink] [varchar](1000) NULL, --圖文圖片超鏈接 [MeidaUrl] [varchar](1000) NULL, --語音URL [MeidaLink] [varchar](1000) NULL, --語音超鏈接 [Enable] [bit] NOT NULL, --是否啟用 [IsDefault] [bit] NOT NULL, --是否默認 [Remark] [varchar](2000) NULL, --說明 [Sort] [int] NOT NULL, --排序 [CreateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, --創建時間 [CreateBy] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, --創建人 [ModifyTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, --修改時間 [ModifyBy] [varchar](50) NULL, --修改人 CONSTRAINT [PK_WC_MessageResponse] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_WC_MessageResponse_WC_OfficalAcconts] FOREIGN KEY([OfficalAccountId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[WC_OfficalAccounts] ([Id]) ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_WC_MessageResponse_WC_OfficalAcconts] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WC_OfficalAccounts]( [Id] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, --主鍵 [OfficalId] [varchar](200) NULL, --公眾號的唯一ID [OfficalName] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, --公眾號名稱 [OfficalCode] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, --公眾號帳號 [OfficalPhoto] [varchar](1000) NULL, --頭像 [OfficalKey] [varchar](500) NULL, --EncodingAESKey [ApiUrl] [varchar](1000) NULL, --我們的資源服務器 [Token] [varchar](200) NULL, --Token [AppId] [varchar](200) NULL, --AppId [AppSecret] [varchar](200) NULL, --Appsecret [AccessToken] [varchar](200) NULL, --訪問Token [Remark] [varchar](2000) NULL, --說明 [Enable] [bit] NOT NULL, --是否啟用 [IsDefault] [bit] NOT NULL, --是否為當前默認操作號 [Category] [int] NOT NULL, --類別(媒體號,企業號,個人號,開發測試號) [CreateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, --創建時間 [CreateBy] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, --創建人 [ModifyTime] [datetime] NOT NULL, --修改時間 [ModifyBy] [varchar](50) NULL, --修改人 CONSTRAINT [PK_WC_OfficalAcconts] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
public enum WeChatReplyCategory { //文本 Text =1, //圖文 Image =2, //語音 Voice =3, //相等,用于回復關鍵字 Equal=4, //包含,用于回復關鍵字 Contain = 5 } public enum WeChatRequestRuleEnum { /// <summary> /// 默認回復,沒有處理的 /// </summary> Default =0, /// <summary> /// 關注回復 /// </summary> Subscriber =1, /// <summary> /// 文本回復 /// </summary> Text =2, /// <summary> /// 圖片回復 /// </summary> Image =3, /// <summary> /// 語音回復 /// </summary> Voice =4, /// <summary> /// 視頻回復 /// </summary> Video =5, /// <summary> /// 超鏈接回復 /// </summary> Link =6, /// <summary> /// LBS位置回復 /// </summary> Location =7, }
[HttpPost] [SupportFilter(ActionName = "Edit")] public JsonResult PostData(WC_MessageResponseModel model) { WC_OfficalAccountsModel accountModel = account_BLL.GetCurrentAccount(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { model.Id = ResultHelper.NewId; } model.CreateBy = GetUserId(); model.CreateTime = ResultHelper.NowTime; model.ModifyBy = GetUserId(); model.ModifyTime = ResultHelper.NowTime; model.OfficalAccountId = accountModel.Id; model.Enable = true; model.IsDefault = true; if (m_BLL.PostData(ref errors, model)) { LogHandler.WriteServiceLog(GetUserId(), "Id" + model.Id + ",OfficalAccountId" + model.OfficalAccountId, "成功", "保存", "WC_MessageResponse"); return Json(JsonHandler.CreateMessage(1, Resource.SaveSucceed)); } else { string ErrorCol = errors.Error; LogHandler.WriteServiceLog(GetUserId(), "Id" + model.Id + ",OfficalAccountId" + model.OfficalAccountId + "," + ErrorCol, "失敗", "保存", "WC_MessageResponse"); return Json(JsonHandler.CreateMessage(0, Resource.SaveFail + ErrorCol)); } }
public bool PostData(ref ValidationErrors errors, WC_MessageResponseModel model) { try { WC_MessageResponse entity = new WC_MessageResponse(); if (IsExists(model.Id)) { entity = m_Rep.GetById(model.Id); } entity.Id = model.Id; entity.OfficalAccountId = model.OfficalAccountId; entity.MessageRule = model.MessageRule; entity.Category = model.Category; entity.MatchKey = model.MatchKey; entity.TextContent = model.TextContent; entity.ImgTextContext = model.ImgTextContext; entity.ImgTextUrl = model.ImgTextUrl; entity.ImgTextLink = model.ImgTextLink; entity.MeidaUrl = model.MeidaUrl; entity.Enable = model.Enable; entity.IsDefault = model.IsDefault; entity.Remark = model.Remark; entity.CreateTime = model.CreateTime; entity.CreateBy = model.CreateBy; entity.Sort = model.Sort; entity.ModifyTime = model.ModifyTime; entity.ModifyBy = model.ModifyBy; if (m_Rep.PostData(entity)) { return true; } else { errors.Add(Resource.NoDataChange); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { errors.Add(ex.Message); ExceptionHander.WriteException(ex); return false; } }
public bool PostData(WC_MessageResponse model) { //如果所有開關都關掉,證明不啟用回復 if (model.Category == null) { return true; } //全部設置為不默認 ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format("update [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse] set IsDefault=0 where OfficalAccountId ='{0}' and MessageRule={1}", model.OfficalAccountId, model.MessageRule)); //默認回復和訂閱回復,且不是圖文另外處理,因為他們有3種模式,但是只有一個是默認的 if (model.Category!= (int)WeChatReplyCategory.Image && (model.MessageRule == (int)WeChatRequestRuleEnum.Default || model.MessageRule == (int)WeChatRequestRuleEnum.Subscriber)) { //查看數據庫是否存在數據 var entity = Context.WC_MessageResponse.Where(p => p.OfficalAccountId == model.OfficalAccountId && p.MessageRule == model.MessageRule && p.Category == model.Category).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity != null) { //刪除原來的 Context.WC_MessageResponse.Remove(entity); } } //全部設置為默認 ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format("update [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse] set IsDefault=1 where OfficalAccountId ='{0}' and MessageRule={1} and Category={2}", model.OfficalAccountId, model.MessageRule,model.Category)); //修改 if(IsExist(model.Id)) { Context.Entry<WC_MessageResponse>(model).State = EntityState.Modified; return Edit(model); } else { return Create(model); } }
<style> .formtable td { vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; } .formtable th { text-align: left; padding: 10px; height: 30px; } .formtablenormal { width: 500px; } .formtablenormal th { border: 0px; text-align: right; } .formtablenormal td { border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; } </style> <script> //1文本2圖文3語音 var Category = { Text: 1, Image: 2, Voice: 3, Equal: 4, Contain: 5 }; // var RequestRule = { Default: 0, Subscriber: 1, Text: 2, Image: 3, Voice: 4, Video: 5, Link: 6, Location: 7 }; function initDefault() { $('#swText0').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $('#swImage0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swVoice0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#div01").show(); $("#div02,#div03").hide(); $("#Category").val(Category.Text); } } }); $('#swImage0').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $('#swVoice0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swText0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#div02").show(); $("#div01,#div03").hide(); $("#Category").val(Category.Image); $("#List0").datagrid("resize"); } } }); $('#swVoice0').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $('#swImage0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swText0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#div03").show(); $("#div01,#div02").hide(); $("#Category").val(Category.Voice); } } }); //文本 $.post('@Url.Action("GetList")', { page: 1, rows: 1, category: Category.Text, messageRule: RequestRule.Default }, function(data) { var rows = data.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i].Category == Category.Text) { $("#Text0").val(rows[i].TextContent); if (rows[i].IsDefault) { $('#swText0').switchbutton("check"); $('#swImage0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swVoice0').switchbutton("uncheck"); } } } }); //語音 $.post('@Url.Action("GetList")', { page: 1, rows: 1, category: Category.Voice, messageRule: RequestRule.Default }, function (data) { var rows = data.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i].Category == Category.Voice) { $("#VoiceTitle0").val(rows[i].TextContent); $("#VoiceContent0").val(rows[i].Remark); $("#VoiceUrl0").val(rows[i].MeidaUrl); if (rows[i].IsDefault) { $('#swVoice0').switchbutton("check"); $('#swText0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swImage0').switchbutton("uncheck"); } } } }); $('#List0').datagrid({ url: '@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=' + RequestRule.Default + '&category=' + Category.Image, width: SetGridWidthSub(40), methord: 'post', height: SetGridHeightSub(175), fitColumns: true, sortName: 'Sort', sortOrder: 'asc', idField: 'Id', pageSize: 15, pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50], pagination: true, striped: true, //奇偶行是否區分 singleSelect: true, onLoadSuccess: function (data) { if (data.rows.length > 0) { if (data.rows[0].IsDefault) { $('#swImage0').switchbutton("check"); $('#swText0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swVoice0').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#Category").val(Category.Image); } } }, //單選模式 //rownumbers: true,//行號 columns: [[{ field: 'Id', title: 'Id', width: 80, hidden: true }, { field: 'TextContent', title: '標題', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'ImgTextUrl', title: '圖片', width: 50, sortable: true, align: 'center', formatter: function (value) { return "<img width='80' height='80' src='" + value + "'/>" } }, { field: 'ImgTextLink', title: '超鏈接', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'ImgTextContext', title: '回復內容', width: 180, sortable: true }, ]] }); $("#btnCreate02").unbind().click(function () { $("#modalwindow0").window({ title: '@Resource.Create', width: 700, height: 500, iconCls: 'fa fa-plus' }).window('open'); }); $("#btnSava01").unbind().click(function() { //默認回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Default); if ($.trim($("#Text0").val())=="") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '內容必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } $("#TextContent").val($.trim($("#Text0").val())); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); $("#btnSava02").unbind().click(function () { if ($.trim($("#ImageTitle0").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '標題必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#ImageUrl0").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '圖片必須上傳!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#Sort0").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '排序必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } //圖文回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Default); $("#TextContent").val($("#ImageTitle0").val()); $("#ImgTextUrl").val($("#ImageUrl0").val()); $("#ImgTextContext").val($("#ImageContent0").val()); $("#ImgTextLink").val($("#ImageLink0").val()); $("#Sort").val($("#Sort0").val()); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data.type == 1) { $("#Id").val(""); $("#List0").datagrid('reload'); $("#modalwindow0").window('close'); $("#ImageTitle0").val(""); $("#form02 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg"); $("#ImageContent0").val(""); $("#ImageLink0").val(""); $("#Sort0").val(0); $('#FileUpload02').val(''); } $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); $("#btnSava03").unbind().click(function() { //默認回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Default); if ($.trim($("#Text0").val())=="") { if ($.trim($("#VoiceTitle0").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '標題必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#VoiceUrl0").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '必須上傳語音!', 'warning'); return; } $("#TextContent").val($("#VoiceTitle0").val()); $("#MeidaUrl").val($("#VoiceUrl0").val()); $("#Remark").val($("#VoiceContent0").val()); } if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); } function initSubscriber() { $('#swText1').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $('#swImage1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swVoice1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#div11").show(); $("#div12,#div13").hide(); $("#Category").val(Category.Text); } } }); $('#swImage1').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $('#swVoice1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swText1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#div12").show(); $("#div11,#div13").hide(); $("#Category").val(Category.Image); $("#List1").datagrid("resize"); } } }); $('#swVoice1').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $('#swImage1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swText1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $("#div13").show(); $("#div11,#div12").hide(); $("#Category").val(Category.Voice); } } }); //文本 $.post('@Url.Action("GetList")', { page: 1, rows: 1, category: Category.Text, messageRule: RequestRule.Subscriber }, function(data) { var rows = data.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i].Category == Category.Text) { $("#Text1").val(rows[i].TextContent); if (rows[i].IsDefault) { $('#swText1').switchbutton("check"); $('#swImage1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swVoice1').switchbutton("uncheck"); } } } }); //語音 $.post('@Url.Action("GetList")', { page: 1, rows: 1, category: Category.Voice, messageRule: RequestRule.Subscriber }, function (data) { var rows = data.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i].Category == Category.Voice) { $("#VoiceTitle1").val(rows[i].TextContent); $("#VoiceContent1").val(rows[i].Remark); if (rows[i].IsDefault) { $('#swVoice1').switchbutton("check"); $('#swText1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swImage1').switchbutton("uncheck"); } } } }); $('#List1').datagrid({ url: '@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=' + RequestRule.Subscriber + '&category=' + Category.Image, width: SetGridWidthSub(40), methord: 'post', height: SetGridHeightSub(175), fitColumns: true, sortName: 'Sort', sortOrder: 'asc', idField: 'Id', pageSize: 15, pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50], pagination: true, striped: true, //奇偶行是否區分 singleSelect: true, onLoadSuccess: function (data) { if (data.rows.length > 0) { if (data.rows[0].IsDefault) { $('#swImage1').switchbutton("check"); $('#swText1').switchbutton("uncheck"); $('#swVoice1').switchbutton("uncheck"); } } }, //單選模式 //rownumbers: true,//行號 columns: [[{ field: 'Id', title: 'Id', width: 80, hidden: true }, { field: 'TextContent', title: '標題', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'ImgTextUrl', title: '圖片', width: 50, sortable: true, align: 'center', formatter: function (value) { return "<img width='80' height='80' src='" + value + "'/>" } }, { field: 'ImgTextLink', title: '超鏈接', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'ImgTextContext', title: '回復內容', width: 180, sortable: true }, ]] }); $("#btnCreate12").unbind().click(function () { $("#modalwindow1").window({ title: '@Resource.Create', width: 700, height: 500, iconCls: 'fa fa-plus' }).window('open'); }); $("#btnSava11").unbind().click(function() { //默認回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Subscriber); if ($.trim($("#Text1").val())=="") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '內容必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } $("#TextContent").val($.trim($("#Text1").val())); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); $("#btnSava12").unbind().click(function () { if ($.trim($("#ImageTitle1").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '標題必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#ImageUrl1").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '圖片必須上傳!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#Sort1").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '排序必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } //圖文回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Subscriber); $("#TextContent").val($("#ImageTitle1").val()); $("#ImgTextUrl").val($("#ImageUrl1").val()); $("#ImgTextContext").val($("#ImageContent1").val()); $("#ImgTextLink").val($("#ImageLink1").val()); $("#Sort").val($("#Sort1").val()); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data.type == 1) { $("#Id").val(""); $("#List1").datagrid('reload'); $("#modalwindow1").window('close'); $("#ImageTitle1").val(""); $("#form12 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg"); $("#ImageContent1").val(""); $("#ImageLink1").val(""); $("#Sort1").val(0); $('#FileUpload12').val(''); } $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); $("#btnSava13").unbind().click(function() { //默認回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Subscriber); if ($.trim($("#Text1").val())=="") { if ($.trim($("#VoiceTitle1").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '標題必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#VoiceUrl1").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '必須上傳語音!', 'warning'); return; } $("#TextContent").val($("#VoiceTitle1").val()); $("#MeidaUrl").val($("#VoiceUrl1").val()); $("#Remark").val($("#VoiceContent1").val()); } if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); } function initText() { $("#Category").val(Category.Equal); $('#List2').datagrid({ url: '@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=' + RequestRule.Text, width: SetGridWidthSub(40), methord: 'post', height: SetGridHeightSub(100), fitColumns: true, sortName: 'CreateTime', sortOrder: 'desc', idField: 'Id', pageSize: 15, pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50], pagination: true, striped: true, //奇偶行是否區分 singleSelect: true, //單選模式 //rownumbers: true,//行號 columns: [[{ field: 'Id', title: 'Id', width: 80, hidden: true }, { field: 'Category', title: 'Category', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true }, { field: 'MatchKey', title: '關鍵字', width: 80, sortable: true, formatter: function (value,row,index){ if (row.Category == Category.Equal) { return "(完全匹配)" + value } else { return "(模糊匹配)" + value } } }, { field: 'TextContent', title: '回復內容', width: 80, sortable: true }, ]] }); $('#swMessageRule2').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $("#Category").val(Category.Equal); } else { $("#Category").val(Category.Contain); } } }); $("#btnCreate2").unbind().click(function () { $("#modalwindow2").window({ title: '@Resource.Create', width: 700, height: 400, iconCls: 'fa fa-plus' }).window('open'); }); $("#btnSava2").unbind().click(function () { if ($.trim($("#TextMatchKey2").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '關鍵字必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#Text2").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '內容必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } //文本回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Text); $("#MatchKey").val($.trim($("#TextMatchKey2").val())); $("#TextContent").val($("#Text2").val()); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data.type == 1) { $("#Id").val(""); $("#List2").datagrid('reload'); $("#modalwindow2").window('close'); $("#TextMatchKey2").val(""); $("#Text2").val(""); } $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); } function initImage() { $("#Category").val(Category.Equal); $('#List31').datagrid({ url: '@Url.Action("GetListProperty")?messageRule=' + RequestRule.Image, width: 300, methord: 'post', height: SetGridHeightSub(100), fitColumns: true, sortName: 'CreateTime', sortOrder: 'desc', idField: 'Id', pageSize: 15, pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50], pagination: true, striped: true, //奇偶行是否區分 singleSelect: true, onClickRow: function (index,data) { var row = $('#List31').datagrid('getSelected'); if (row != null) { $('#List3').datagrid({url:'@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule='+RequestRule.Image+'&category='+row.Category+'&matchKey='+row.MatchKey}); } }, //單選模式 //rownumbers: true,//行號 columns: [[{ field: 'Id', title: 'Id', width: 80, hidden: true }, { field: 'Category', title: 'Category', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true }, { field: 'MatchKey', title: '關鍵字', width: 130, sortable: true, formatter: function (value, row, index) { if (row.Category == Category.Equal) { return "(完全匹配)" + value } else { return "(模糊匹配)" + value } } }, { field: 'CreateTime', title: '創建時間', width: 80, sortable: true }, ]] }).datagrid('getPager').pagination({ showPageList: true, showRefresh: false, displayMsg: '' }); $('#List3').datagrid({ url:'@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule='+RequestRule.Image+'&category=x&matchKey=x', width: SetGridWidthSub(340), methord: 'post', height: SetGridHeightSub(100), fitColumns: true, sortName: 'Sort', sortOrder: 'asc', idField: 'Id', pageSize: 15, pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50], pagination: true, striped: true, //奇偶行是否區分 singleSelect: true, //單選模式 //rownumbers: true,//行號 columns: [[{ field: 'Id', title: 'Id', width: 80, hidden: true }, { field: 'Category', title: 'Category', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true }, { field: 'TextContent', title: '標題', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'MatchKey', title: '關鍵字', width: 80, sortable: true, formatter: function (value,row,index){ if (row.Category == Category.Equal) { return "(完全匹配)" + value } else { return "(模糊匹配)" + value } } }, { field: 'ImgTextUrl', title: '圖片', width: 50, sortable: true, align: 'center', formatter: function (value) { return "<img width='80' height='80' src='" + value + "'/>" } }, { field: 'ImgTextLink', title: '超鏈接', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'ImgTextContext', title: '回復內容', width: 180, sortable: true }, { field: 'Sort', title: '排序', width: 50, sortable: true }, ]] }); $('#swMessageRule3').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $("#Category").val(Category.Equal); } else { $("#Category").val(Category.Contain); } } }); $("#btnCreate3").unbind().click(function () { $("#modalwindow3").window({ title: '@Resource.Create', width: 700, height: 550, iconCls: 'fa fa-plus' }).window('open'); }); $("#btnSava3").unbind().click(function () { if ($.trim($("#ImageTitle3").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '標題必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#TextMatchKey3").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '關鍵字必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#ImageUrl3").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '圖片必須上傳!', 'warning'); return; } //圖文回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Image); $("#MatchKey").val($.trim($("#TextMatchKey3").val())); $("#TextContent").val($("#ImageTitle3").val()); $("#ImgTextUrl").val($("#ImageUrl3").val()); $("#ImgTextContext").val($("#ImageContent3").val()); $("#ImgTextLink").val($("#ImageLink3").val()); $("#Sort").val($("#Sort3").val()); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data.type == 1) { $("#Id").val(""); $("#List3").datagrid('reload'); $("#List31").datagrid('reload'); $("#modalwindow3").window('close'); $("#ImageTitle3").val(""); $("#form3 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg"); $("#ImageContent3").val(""); $("#ImageLink3").val(""); $("#Sort3").val(0); $('#FileUpload3').val(''); $("#TextMatchKey3").val(''); } $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); } function initVoice() { $("#Category").val(Category.Equal); $('#List4').datagrid({ url: '@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=' + RequestRule.Voice, width: SetGridWidthSub(40), methord: 'post', height: SetGridHeightSub(100), fitColumns: true, sortName: 'CreateTime', sortOrder: 'desc', idField: 'Id', pageSize: 15, pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50], pagination: true, striped: true, //奇偶行是否區分 singleSelect: true, //單選模式 //rownumbers: true,//行號 columns: [[{ field: 'Id', title: 'Id', width: 80, hidden: true }, { field: 'Category', title: 'Category', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true }, { field: 'TextContent', title: '標題', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'MatchKey', title: '關鍵字', width: 80, sortable: true, formatter: function (value,row,index){ if (row.Category == Category.Equal) { return "(完全匹配)" + value } else { return "(模糊匹配)" + value } } }, { field: 'MeidaUrl', title: '語音', width: 80, sortable: true, align: 'center', formatter: function (value) { return "<img width='80' height='80' src='" + value + "'/>" } }, { field: 'ImgTextLink', title: '超鏈接', width: 80, sortable: true }, { field: 'ImgTextContext', title: '回復內容', width: 80, sortable: true }, ]] }); $('#swMessageRule4').switchbutton({ onChange: function(checked) { if (checked) { $("#Category").val(Category.Equal); } else { $("#Category").val(Category.Contain); } } }); $("#btnCreate4").unbind().click(function() { $("#modalwindow4").window({ title: '@Resource.Create', width: 700, height: 500, iconCls: 'fa fa-plus' }).window('open'); }); $("#btnSava4").unbind().click(function () { if ($.trim($("#VoiceTitle4").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '標題必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#TextMatchKey4").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '關鍵字必須填寫!', 'warning'); return; } if ($.trim($("#VoiceUrl4").val()) == "") { $.messager.alert('@Resource.Tip', '必須上傳語音!', 'warning'); return; } //圖文回復 $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Voice); $("#MatchKey").val($("#TextMatchKey4").val()); $("#TextContent").val($("#VoiceTitle4").val()); $("#MeidaUrl").val($("#VoiceUrl4").val()); $("#Remark").val($("#VoiceContent4").val()); if ($("#form").valid()) { $.ajax({ url: "@Url.Action("PostData")", type: "Post", data: $("#form").serialize(), dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data.type == 1) { $("#Id").val(""); $("#List4").datagrid('reload'); $("#modalwindow4").window('close'); $("#TextMatchKey4").val(""); $("#VoiceTitle4").val(""); $("#VoiceUrl4").val(""); $("#VoiceContent4").val(""); $("#FileUpload4").val(""); $("#form3 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg"); } $.messageBox5s('@Resource.Tip', data.message); } }); } }); } $(function() { $('#tt').tabs({ justified: true, width: '100%', height: $(window).height() - 20 }); $('#tt').tabs({ onSelect: function(title, index) { switch (index) { case RequestRule.Default: initDefault(); break; case RequestRule.Subscriber: initSubscriber(); break; case RequestRule.Text: initText(); break; case RequestRule.Image: initImage(); break; case RequestRule.Voice: initVoice(); break; } } }); //初始化第一個標簽 initDefault(); //自動寬高 $(window).resize(function() { $('#tt').tabs({ height:$(window).height() - 20 }); //$('#List2').datagrid('resize', { // width: SetGridWidthSub(40), // height: SetGridHeightSub(100) //}); }); }); $(function () { $('input.textbox').validatebox().bind('blur', function () { $(this).validatebox('enableValidation').validatebox('validate'); }); }) </script> <form id="form" method="post"> <input type="hidden" id="Id" name="Id" /> <input type="hidden" id="MessageRule" name="MessageRule" /> <input type="hidden" id="Category" name="Category" /> <input type="hidden" id="MatchKey" name="MatchKey" /> <input type="hidden" id="TextContent" name="TextContent" /> <input type="hidden" id="ImgTextContext" name="ImgTextContext" /> <input type="hidden" id="ImgTextUrl" name="ImgTextUrl" /> <input type="hidden" id="ImgTextLink" name="ImgTextLink" /> <input type="hidden" id="MeidaUrl" name="MeidaUrl" /> <input type="hidden" id="MeidaLink" name="MeidaLink" /> <input type="hidden" id="Remark" name="Remark" /> <input type="hidden" id="Sort" name="Sort" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" id="CreateTime" name="CreateTime" /> <input type="hidden" id="CreateBy" name="CreateBy" /> <input type="hidden" id="ModifyTime" name="ModifyTime" /> <input type="hidden" id="ModifyBy" name="ModifyBy" /> </form> <div > <div id="tt" class="easyui-tabs"> <div title="默認回復"> <table class="formtable" > <tr> <td > 文本: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swText0", false) </td> <td > 圖文: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swImage0", false) </td> <td > 語音: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swVoice0", false) </td> <td></td> <td > <div class="color-green">當前操作公眾號:<span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span></div> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="div01" class="displaynone"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava01", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <textarea id="Text0" ></textarea> </div> <div id="div02" class="displaynone"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate02", "fa fa-search", "添加回復", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <div id="modalwindow0" class="easyui-window" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava02", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <table class="formtablenormal"> <tr><th>標題: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageTitle0" class="textbox" data-options="required:true" /></td></tr> <tr> <th>圖片: </th> <td> <form id="form02" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="ImageUrl0" id="ImageUrl0" /> <img class="expic" src="/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg" /> <br /> <a href="javascript:$('#FileUpload02').trigger('click');" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a> <input type="file" id="FileUpload02" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload02" onchange="Upload('SingleFile', 'ImageUrl0', 'FileUpload02', '1', '1', '#form02');" /> <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span> </form> </tr> <tr><th>內容: </th><td><textarea id="ImageContent0" ></textarea></td></tr> <tr><th>鏈接: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageLink0" /></td></tr> <tr><th>排序: </th><td><input type="number" id="Sort0" value="0" /></td></tr> </table> </div> <div > <table id="List0"></table> </div> </div> <div id="div03" class="displaynone"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava03", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <table class="formtablenormal" > <tr><th>標題: </th><td><input type="text" id="VoiceTitle0" /></td></tr> <tr><th>語音: </th><td> <form id="form03" method="post"> <input type="text" name="VoiceUrl0" class="left" id="VoiceUrl0" /> <a href="javascript:$('#FileUpload03').trigger('click');" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a> <input type="file" accept="audio/mpeg" id="FileUpload03" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload03" onchange="Upload('SingleFile', 'VoiceUrl0', 'FileUpload03', '', '', '#form03');" /> <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span> </form> </td></tr> <tr><th>描述: </th><td><textarea id="VoiceContent0" ></textarea></td></tr> </table> </div> </div> <div title="關注時回復" > <table class="formtable" > <tr> <td > 文本: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swText1", false) </td> <td > 圖文: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swImage1", false) </td> <td > 語音: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swVoice1", false) </td> <td></td> <td > <div class="color-green">當前操作公眾號:<span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span></div> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="div11" class="displaynone"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava11", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <textarea id="Text1" ></textarea> </div> <div id="div12" class="displaynone"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate12", "fa fa-search", "添加回復", ref perm, "Edit", false) @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit12", "fa fa-search", "編輯", ref perm, "Edit", true) @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete12", "fa fa-search", "刪除", ref perm, "Delete", false) </div> <div id="modalwindow1" class="easyui-window" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava12", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <table class="formtablenormal"> <tr><th>標題: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageTitle1" class="textbox" data-options="required:true" /></td></tr> <tr> <th>圖片: </th> <td> <form id="form12" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="ImageUrl1" id="ImageUrl1" /> <img class="expic" src="/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg" /> <br /> <a href="javascript:$('#FileUpload12').trigger('click');" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a> <input type="file" id="FileUpload12" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload12" onchange="Upload('SingleFile', 'ImageUrl1', 'FileUpload12', '1', '1', '#form12');" /> <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span> </form> </tr> <tr><th>內容: </th><td><textarea id="ImageContent1" ></textarea></td></tr> <tr><th>鏈接: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageLink1" /></td></tr> <tr><th>排序: </th><td><input type="number" id="Sort1" value="0" /></td></tr> </table> </div> <div > <table id="List1"></table> </div> </div> <div id="div13" class="displaynone"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava13", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) </div> <table class="formtablenormal" > <tr><th>標題: </th><td><input type="text" id="VoiceTitle1" /></td></tr> <tr> <th>語音: </th> <td> <form id="form13" method="post"> <input type="text" name="VoiceUrl1" class="left" id="VoiceUrl0" /> <a href="javascript:$('#FileUpload13').trigger('click');" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a> <input type="file" accept="audio/mpeg" id="FileUpload13" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload13" onchange="Upload('SingleFile', 'VoiceUrl1', 'FileUpload13', '', '', '#form13');" /> <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span> </form> </td> </tr> <tr><th>描述: </th><td><textarea id="VoiceContent1" ></textarea></td></tr> </table> </div> </div> <div title="文本回復" > <div class="mvctool "> @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate2", "fa fa-search", "添加回復", ref perm, "Edit", true) @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit2", "fa fa-search", "編輯", ref perm, "Edit", true) @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete2", "fa fa-search", "刪除", ref perm, "Delete", false) <div class="rightdiv color-green"> 當前操作公眾號: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span> </div> </div> <div id="modalwindow2" class="easyui-window" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava2", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) <div class="rightdiv color-green"> 當前操作公眾號: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span> </div> </div> <table class="formtablenormal"> <tr> <th>關鍵字: </th> <td> <input type="text" id="TextMatchKey2" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>規則: </th> <td> @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swMessageRule2", true, "模糊匹配(關鍵字包含內容) ", "完全匹配(內容與關鍵字完全匹配)", "280") </td> </tr> <tr> <th>內容: </th> <td> <textarea id="Text2" ></textarea> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <table id="List2"></table> </div> <div title="圖片回復" > <div class="mvctool"> @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate3", "fa fa-search", "添加回復", ref perm, "Edit", true) @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit3", "fa fa-search", "編輯", ref perm, "Edit", true) @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete3", "fa fa-search", "刪除", ref perm, "Delete", false) <div class="rightdiv color-green"> 當前操作公眾號: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span> </div> </div> <div id="modalwindow3" class="easyui-window" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava3", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) <div class="rightdiv color-green"> 當前操作公眾號: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span> </div> </div> <table class="formtablenormal"> <tr><th>標題: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageTitle3" /></td></tr> <tr> <th>關鍵字: </th> <td> <input type="text" id="TextMatchKey3" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>規則: </th> <td> @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swMessageRule3", true, "模糊匹配(關鍵字包含內容) ", "完全匹配(內容與關鍵字完全匹配)", "280") </td> </tr> <tr> <th>圖片: </th> <td> <form id="form3" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="ImageUrl3" id="ImageUrl3" /> <img class="expic" src="/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg" /> <br /> <a href="javascript:$('#FileUpload3').trigger('click');" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a> <input type="file" id="FileUpload3" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload3" onchange="Upload('SingleFile', 'ImageUrl3', 'FileUpload3', '1', '1', '#form3');" /> <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span> </form> </td> </tr> <tr><th>內容: </th><td><textarea id="ImageContent3" ></textarea></td></tr> <tr><th>鏈接: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageLink3" /></td></tr> <tr><th>排序: </th><td><input type="number" id="Sort3" value="0" /></td></tr> </table> </div> <table><tr><td><table id="List31"></table></td><td> </td><td><table id="List3"></table></td></tr></table> </div> <div title="語音回復" > <div class="mvctool "> @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate4", "fa fa-search", "添加回復", ref perm, "Edit", false) @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit4", "fa fa-search", "編輯", ref perm, "Edit", true) @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete4", "fa fa-search", "刪除", ref perm, "Delete", false) <div class="rightdiv color-green"> 當前操作公眾號: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span> </div> </div> <div id="modalwindow4" class="easyui-window" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false"> <div class="mvctool bgb"> @Html.ToolButton("btnSava4", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false) <div class="rightdiv color-green"> 當前操作公眾號: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span> </div> </div> <table class="formtablenormal"> <tr><th>標題: </th><td><input type="text" id="VoiceTitle4" /></td></tr> <tr> <th>關鍵字: </th> <td> <input type="text" id="TextMatchKey4" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>規則: </th> <td> @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swMessageRule4", true, "模糊匹配(關鍵字包含內容) ", "完全匹配(內容與關鍵字完全匹配)", "280") </td> </tr> <tr> <th>語音: </th> <td> <form id="form4" method="post"> <input type="text" class="left" name="VoiceUrl4" id="VoiceUrl4" /> <a href="javascript:$('#FileUpload4').trigger('click');" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a> <input type="file" id="FileUpload4" accept="audio/mpeg" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload4" onchange="Upload('SingleFile', 'VoiceUrl4', 'FileUpload4', '', '', '#form4');" /> <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span> </form> </td> </tr> <tr><th>描述: </th><td><textarea id="VoiceContent4" ></textarea></td></tr> </table> </div> <table id="List4"></table> </div> @*<div title="視頻回復" > </div>*@ @*<div title="鏈接回復" styIe="padding:10px"> </div> <div title="LBS位置回復" > </div>*@ </div> </div>
1.消息在沒有任務回復的情況 下,我們應該啟用默認回復,要不用戶會得不到回應,丟失體驗
關鍵字:(我要) 回復: 按1加入獲得禮品一份,按2直接獲得50元
關鍵字:(1) 回復: 按3獲得鐵觀音茶一份,按4獲得普洱茶
關鍵字:(3或4) 回復:請回復您的地址和電話及收件人