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MySQL, mysql命令注釋

發布時間:2020-08-22 01:30:32 來源:網絡 閱讀:340 作者:AlrinNi 欄目:MySQL數據庫

MySQL, mysql命令注釋


   -B, --batch         Don't use history file. Disable interactive behavior.
                      (Enables --silent.)
  --bind-address=name IP address to bind to. 綁定IP地址
                      Directory for character set files. 字符集設定文件,一般不用指定,直接放在my.cnf里面
  --column-type-info  Display column type information. 列出列屬性
  -D, --database=name Database to use. 指定連接時數據庫
                      Set the default character set. 設定啟動SESSION的字符集
  --delimiter=name    Delimiter to be used.
                      Enable/disable the clear text authentication plugin.
  -e, --execute=name  Execute command and quit. (Disables --force and history 命令行中執行SQL語句
  -E, --vertical      Print the output of a query (rows) vertically.
  -f, --force         Continue even if we get an SQL error.
  -G, --named-commands 
                      Enable named commands. Named commands mean this program's
                      internal commands; see mysql> help . When enabled, the
                      named commands can be used from any line of the query,
                      otherwise only from the first line, before an enter.
                      Disable with --disable-named-commands. This option is
                      disabled by default.
  -i, --ignore-spaces Ignore space after function names.
  --init-command=name SQL Command to execute when connecting to MySQL server.                       Will automatically be re-executed when reconnecting.啟動時自動執行SQL語句,可以用來指定一些SESSION參數,比如set names
  --local-infile      Enable/disable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.
  -h, --host=name     Connect to host.
  --column-names      Write column names in results.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-column-names to disable.)列出查詢語句返回表頭,用-N可以忽略表頭
  -N, --skip-column-names 
                      Don't write column names in results.
  --sigint-ignore     Ignore SIGINT (CTRL-C).
  -o, --one-database  Ignore statements except those that occur while the 
                      default database is the one named at the command line. 指定連接數據庫,在恢復的時候比較好用。不知道和-D的差異在哪里。
  --pager[=name]      Pager to use to display results. If you don't supply an
                      option, the default pager is taken from your ENV variable
                      PAGER. Valid pagers are less, more, cat [> filename],
                      etc. See interactive help (\h) also. This option does not
                      work in batch mode. Disable with --disable-pager. This
                      option is disabled by default.
  -p, --password[=name] 
                      Password to use when connecting to server. If password is
                      not given it's asked from the tty.
  -P, --port=#        Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in
                      order of preference, my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT,
                      /etc/services, built-in default (3306).指定端口號,一般和 --protocol一起使用。
  --prompt=name       Set the mysql prompt to this value.
  --protocol=name     The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket, pipe,
  -s, --silent        Be more silent. Print results with a tab as separator,
                      each row on new line.
  -S, --socket=name   The socket file to use for connection.
  --ssl               Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with
                      other flags).
  --ssl-ca=name       CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies
  --ssl-capath=name   CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).
  --ssl-cert=name     X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-cipher=name   SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-key=name      X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-crl=name      Certificate revocation list (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-crlpath=name  Certificate revocation list path (implies --ssl).
                      Verify server's "Common Name" in its cert against
                      hostname used when connecting. This option is disabled by
  --ssl-mode=name     SSL connection mode.
  -t, --table         Output in table format.
  --tee=name          Append everything into outfile. See interactive help (\h)
                      also. Does not work in batch mode. Disable with
                      --disable-tee. This option is disabled by default. 同LINUX命令tee
  -u, --user=name     User for login if not current user.
  -U, --safe-updates  Only allow UPDATE and DELETE that uses keys.
  -U, --i-am-a-dummy  Synonym for option --safe-updates, -U.
  -v, --verbose       Write more. (-v -v -v gives the table output format).
  -V, --version       Output version information and exit.
  -w, --wait          Wait and retry if connection is down.
  --connect-timeout=# Number of seconds before connection timeout.
                      The maximum packet length to send to or receive from
                      The buffer size for TCP/IP and socket communication.
  --select-limit=#    Automatic limit for SELECT when using --safe-updates.
  --max-join-size=#   Automatic limit for rows in a join when using
  --secure-auth       Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old
                      (pre-4.1.1) protocol.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-secure-auth to disable.)
  --server-arg=name   Send embedded server this as a parameter.
  --show-warnings     Show warnings after every statement.
  --plugin-dir=name   Directory for client-side plugins.
  --default-auth=name Default authentication client-side plugin to use.
  --histignore=name   A colon-separated list of patterns to keep statements
                      from getting logged into mysql history.
  --binary-mode       By default, ASCII '\0' is disallowed and '\r\n' is
                      translated to '\n'. This switch turns off both features,
                      and also turns off parsing of all clientcommands except
                      \C and DELIMITER, in non-interactive mode (for input
                      piped to mysql or loaded using the 'source' command).
                      This is necessary when processing output from mysqlbinlog
                      that may contain blobs.
                      Notify the server that this client is prepared to handle
                      expired password sandbox mode.

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf 
The following groups are read: mysql client
The following options may be given as the first argument:
--print-defaults        Print the program argument list and exit.
--no-defaults           Don't read default options from any option file,
                        except for login file.
--defaults-file=#       Only read default options from the given file #.默認參數文件
--defaults-extra-file=# Read this file after the global files are read.額外參數文件
                        Also read groups with concat(group, suffix)
--login-path=#          Read this path from the login file.



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