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Passing Data from Stage to Stage(在渲染管線各個階段之間傳遞數據)

發布時間:2020-05-21 21:25:34 來源:網絡 閱讀:429 作者:萌谷王 欄目:游戲開發

So far, you have seen how to pass data into a vertex shader by creating a vertex attribute using the in keyword(到現在為止,你已經看到了如何通過vertex attribute給vertex shader傳遞數據了), how to communicate with fixed-function blocks by reading and writing built-in variables such as gl_VertexID and gl_Position,(如何利用固定功能通過讀寫內置的諸如gl_VertexID和gl_Position進行通信呢?) and how to output data from the fragment shader using the out keyword(如何通過fragment shader使用out修飾符輸出數據呢). However, it’s also possible to send your own data from shader stage to shader stage using the same in and out keywords(當然,你也可以使用in和out在渲染管線的各個階段之間傳遞自己的數據). Just as you used the out keyword in the fragment shader to create the output variable to which it writes its color values(就如同你之前使用過的,使用out關鍵字就能讓fragment shader輸出顏色), so you can also create an output variable in the vertex shader by using the out keyword(你也可以在vertex shader中使用out關鍵字讓vertex shader輸出數據). Anything you write to an output variable in one shader is sent to a similarly named variable declared with the in keyword in the subsequent stage(你在使用out修飾的輸出的變量中寫入的數據,都會傳遞到渲染管線的下一個階段中同名的用in修飾的變量中). For example, if your vertex shader declares a variable called vs_color using the out keyword(比如,你用out修飾了一個叫vs_color的變量), it would match up with a variable named vs_color declared with the in keyword in the fragment shader stage(這將會與在fragment shader中使用in修飾的vs_color變量配對成功) (assuming no other stages were active in between(假設vertex shader和fragment shader之間沒有其他的shader))

If we modify our simple vertex shader as shown in Listing 3.3 to include vs_color as an output variable(如果我們按照Listing3.3所示修改我們的vertex shader,將vs_color作為我們的輸出數據), and correspondingly modify our simple fragment shader to includevs_color as an input variable as shown in Listing 3.4,(并且對應的Listing3.4所示在fragment shader中申明變量vs_color作為輸入數據) we can pass a value from the vertex shader to the fragment shader(我們可以將一個變量從vertex shader傳遞到fragment shader). Then, rather than outputting a hard-coded value(相比于硬編碼一個數據),the fragment can simply output the color passed to it from the vertex shader(現在的fragment shader可以輸出一個從vertex shader那邊傳過來的顏色了)

#version 450 core
// 'offset' and 'color' are input vertex attributes
layout (location = 0) in vec4 offset;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 color;
// 'vs_color' is an output that will be sent to the next shader stage
out vec4 vs_color;
void main(void)
const vec4 vertices[3] = vec4[3](vec4(0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 1.0),
vec4(-0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 1.0),
vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0));
// Add 'offset' to our hard-coded vertex position
gl_Position = vertices[gl_VertexID] + offset;
// Output a fixed value for vs_color
vs_color = color;
Listing 3.3: Vertex shader with an output

As you can see in Listing 3.3, we declare a second input to our vertex shader, color (this time at location 1), and write its value to the vs_output output. This is picked up by the fragment shader of Listing 3.4 and written to the framebuffer. This allows us to pass a color all the way from a vertex attribute that we can set with glVertexAttrib* () through the vertex shader, into the fragment shader, and out to the framebuffer. As a consequence, we can draw different-colored triangles!

#version 450 core
// Input from the vertex shader
in vec4 vs_color;
// Output to the framebuffer
out vec4 color;
void main(void)
// Simply assign the color we were given by the vertex shader to our output
color = vs_color;
Listing 3.4: Fragment shader with an input

Interface Blocks

Declaring interface variables one at a time is possibly the simplest way to communicate data between shader stages(一次定義一個變量或許是最簡單的渲染管線各階段通信的方式). However, in most nontrivial applications(然而在很多程序中), you will likely want to communicate a number of different pieces of data between stages(你會傳遞更多的數據); these may include arrays, structures, and other complex arrangements of variables(這些數據可能就包括數組、結構體以及一些其他的復雜的數據). To achieve this, we can group together a number of variables into an interface block(為了實現這一目標,我們可以把很多個變量組織到一個數據塊中去). The declaration of an interface block looks a lot like a structure declaration(數據塊的申明跟結構體的申明類似), except that it is declared using the in or out keyword depending on whether it is an input to or output from the shader(除了數據塊使用in和out關鍵字來區分數據塊是輸入數據還是輸出數據這一點). An example interface block definition is shown in Listing 3.5(一個數據塊的例子就如同Listing3.5的代碼所示)

#version 450 core
// 'offset' is an input vertex attribute
layout (location = 0) in vec4 offset;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 color;
// Declare VS_OUT as an output interface block
out VS_OUT
vec4 color; // Send color to the next stage
} vs_out;
void main(void)
const vec4 vertices[3] = vec4[3](vec4(0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 1.0),
vec4(-0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 1.0),
vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0));
// Add 'offset' to our hard-coded vertex position
gl_Position = vertices[gl_VertexID] + offset;
// Output a fixed value for vs_color
vs_out.color = color;
Listing 3.5: Vertex shader with an output interface block

Note that the interface block in Listing 3.5 has both a block name (VS_OUT, uppercase) and an instance name (vs_out, lowercase)(注意到Listing3.5的代碼中同時出現了數據塊的名字和它實例對象的名字). Interface blocks are matched between stages using the block name (VS_OUT in this case)(數據塊在渲染管線中傳遞的時候是用名字一一對應的), but are referenced in shaders using the instance name(在使用的時候,卻引用的是數據塊實例的名字). Thus, modifying our fragment shader to use an interface block gives the code shown in Listing 3.6(所以,我們還要按照Listing3.6的那樣修改咱們的fragment shader的代碼).

#version 450 core // Declare VS_OUT as an input interface block in VS_OUT { vec4 color; // Send color to the next stage } fs_in; // Output to the framebuffer out vec4 color; void main(void) { // Simply assign the color we were given by the vertex shader to our output color = fs_in.color; }

Listing 3.6: Fragment shader with an input interface block

Matching interface blocks by block name but allowing block instances to have different names in each shader stage serves two important purposes(使用數據塊的名字做一一對應,但允許數據塊實例有不同的名字有倆目的). First, it allows the name by which you refer to the block to be different in each stage(第一個目的,它允許你在渲染管線引用的名字可以不一樣), thereby avoiding confusing things such as having to use vs_out in a fragment shader(這樣可以避免一些奇怪的東西,比如在fragment shader中使用vs_out這樣的名字). Second, it allows interfaces to go from being single items to arrays when crossing between certain shader stages(第二,它允許傳遞數據的時候從一個數據變成一組數據), such as the vertex and tessellation or geometry shader stages(比如vertex shader的數據傳遞給tessellation或者geometry shader的時候,我們很快就會見識到了), as we will see in a short while. Note that interface blocks are only for moving data from shader stage to shader stage(注意,數據塊只適用于shader各個階段間傳遞數據)—you can’t use them to group together inputs to the vertex shader or outputs from the fragment shader(你不能使用數據塊對vertex shader傳入數據或者從fragment shader輸出數據).







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