

c++ tensorflow的最新版本有哪些特性

2024-07-17 18:27:43
欄目: 編程語言

  1. Accelerated linear algebra: TensorFlow now supports accelerated linear algebra operations using the Eigen library, providing faster performance for matrix operations on CPUs.

  2. Improved GPU support: TensorFlow has improved GPU support, with optimized kernels for common operations and better memory management for GPUs.

  3. Eager execution: TensorFlow now supports eager execution, allowing for immediate computation of operations without needing to build a computation graph.

  4. TensorFlow Lite: TensorFlow now has a lightweight version called TensorFlow Lite, designed for mobile and embedded devices.

  5. Improved TensorFlow Serving: TensorFlow Serving now supports model versioning, allowing for easier management and deployment of models in production environments.

  6. Improved TensorFlow Hub: TensorFlow Hub now provides a repository of pre-trained models and modules, making it easier to use pre-trained models in your own projects.

  7. Improved TensorFlow.js: TensorFlow.js now supports training models directly in the browser, making it easier to build and deploy machine learning models in web applications.

  8. Improved support for Keras: TensorFlow now has improved support for the Keras API, making it easier to build and train deep learning models using the high-level Keras API.

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