


2024-02-27 13:37:55
欄目: 編程語言

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python programming language. If you don’t have a Python interpreter set up in PyCharm, you can follow these steps to configure it:

  1. Open PyCharm and go to “File” > “Settings” (or press Ctrl + Alt + S on Windows/Linux, or Cmd + , on Mac).

  2. In the Settings window, navigate to “Project” > “Project Interpreter”.

  3. Click on the gear icon next to the project interpreter dropdown menu and select “Add…”.

  4. In the “Add Python Interpreter” window, you can choose to add a new interpreter (if you have Python installed on your system) or select an existing interpreter.

  5. If you don’t have Python installed, you can download it from the official Python website (https://www.python.org/downloads/) and then select the interpreter in PyCharm.

  6. Once you have selected the interpreter, click “OK” to save the changes.

Now you should have a Python interpreter set up in PyCharm and you can start coding and running your Python scripts.

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