



點擊 登錄注冊 即表示同意《億速云用戶服務條款》


發布時間:2020-07-16 22:53:30 來源:網絡 閱讀:689 作者:027ryan 欄目:開發技術


data = [




















data_dic = {

    'A': {

        'A1': {
























 #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
        k,v_dic d_dic.items():
            k == parent: d_dic[k][son] = {}
                : ()
    data_dic = {}
    item data:
        parent,son = item
        parent : data_dic[son] = {}
        : tree_search(data_dic,parent,son)
    k,v data_dic.items():


>>> for item in data:
...      parent,son = item
...      print parent,"---",son
None --- A
A --- A1
A --- A1-1
A1 --- A2
A1-1 --- A2-3
A2-3 --- A3-4
A1 --- A2-2
A2 --- A3
A2-2 --- A3-3
A3 --- A4
None --- B
B --- B1
B1 --- B2
B1 --- B2-2
B2 --- B3
None --- C
C --- C1


('find parent of: ', 'A1')

('find parent of: ', 'A1-1')

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2-3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3-4')

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2-2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3-3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A4')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B1')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B2-2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'C1')

('A', {'A1': {'A2': {'A3': {'A4': {}}}, 'A2-2': {'A3-3': {}}}, 'A1-1': {'A2-3': {'A3-4': {}}}})

('C', {'C1': {}})

('B', {'B1': {'B2-2': {}, 'B2': {'B3': {}}}})




锡林浩特市| 同德县| 大理市| 义马市| 湟源县| 班戈县| 株洲县| 如东县| 庆城县| 临澧县| 平乡县| 南澳县| 壶关县| 双牌县| 吴桥县| 缙云县| 常德市| 拜城县| 安新县| 汶上县| 兴文县| 武威市| 博客| 昆山市| 武宁县| 辰溪县| 洛扎县| 南溪县| 郑州市| 枣庄市| 潮安县| 新乡县| 平山县| 永胜县| 正阳县| 敖汉旗| 惠水县| 高安市| 曲阳县| 凭祥市| 香河县|