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交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

發布時間:2020-04-29 18:46:52 來源:網絡 閱讀:2578 作者:gift2010 欄目:網絡安全

1 實驗拓撲圖

    交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

2 DHCP Snooping

2.1 基本DHCP Snooping配置:

C2960#show running-config

Building configuration...


ipdhcp snooping vlan 10

ipdhcp snooping


interface FastEthernet0/1

 description ---Connected to DHCP_Server ---

 switchportaccess vlan 10

 switchport modeaccess


 spanning-treebpduguard enable

 ip dhcp snoopingtrust


interface FastEthernet0/10

 description ---Connected to PC1 ---

 switchportaccess vlan 10

 switchport modeaccess


 spanning-treebpduguard enable



2.2 驗證DHCP Snooping效果:


 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

二、C2960上驗證DHCP Snooping效果:

C2960#showip dhcp snooping

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

C2960#showip dhcp snooping binding

交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗


2.3 擴展DHCP Snooping配置:

(一)指定DHCP Snooping綁定數據庫的位置


C2960(config)#ip dhcp snooping databaseflash:/dhcp-snooping.db

01:00:28: %DHCP_SNOOPING-4-DHCP_SNOOPING_DATABASE_FLASH_WARNING:Saving DHCP snooping bindings to flash can fill up your device causing thewrites of bindings to device, to fail.

01:00:29: %DHCP_SNOOPING-4-NTP_NOT_RUNNING: NTP is notrunning; reloaded binding lease expiration times are incorrect.

01:00:29: %DHCP_SNOOPING-6-AGENT_OPERATION_SUCCEEDED:DHCP snooping database Write succeeded.

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗


C2960(config)#interface f0/10

C2960(config-if)#ip dhcp snooping limit rate 20

(三)DHCP 選項82的處理


C2960(config)#no ip dhcp snooping information option

C2960#showip dhcp snooping

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗


C2960(config)#ip dhcp snooping information optionallow-untrusted

C2960#showip dhcp snooping

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

3 IP Source Guard

2.1 基本IPSG配置:

C2960#show running-config interface f0/10

Building configuration...


Current configuration : 423 bytes


interface FastEthernet0/10

 description ---Connected to PC1 ---

 switchportaccess vlan 10

 switchport modeaccess

 switchportport-security maximum 10


 switchportport-security mac-address sticky

 switchportport-security mac-address sticky 54ee.7535.bb02 vlan access


 spanning-treebpduguard enable

 ip verify sourceport-security

 ip dhcpsnooping limit rate 20



2.2 驗證IPSG效果:


C2960#showip verify source

C2960#showip source binding

交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗 


交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

注:經過實驗,此時如果將PC1改為手動設置IP(仍為10.1.10.11),則2960DHCP Snooping綁定表馬上消失,IPSG綁定表也隨之消失,導致此時PC1無法和外界通信。


2.3 擴展IPSG配置:


C2960(config)#ip source bindingAAAA.BBBB.CCCC vlan 10 interface Fa0/5

C2960#showip source binding

交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗 

3 Dynamic ARP Inspection

2.1 基本DAI配置:

C2960#show running-config

Building configuration...


interface FastEthernet0/1

 description ---Connected to DHCP_Server ---

 switchportaccess vlan 10

 switchport modeaccess

 ip arp inspectiontrust


 spanning-treebpduguard enable

 ip dhcpsnooping trust


iparp inspection vlan 10

iparp inspection validate src-mac dst-mac ip







2.2 驗證DAI效果:

C2960#show ip arp inspection

交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗 

C2960#showip arp inspection interface f0/1

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗

2.3 擴展DAI配置:


C2960(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/10

C2960(config-if)#ip arp inspection limit rate 20



C2960(config)#arp access-list TEST

C2960(config-arp-nacl)#permit ip host machost aaaa.bbbb.cccc

C2960(config)#ip arp inspection filter TEST vlan 10


C2960#showip arp inspection vlan 10

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗


C2960(config)#errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection

C2960(config)#errdisable recovery interval 60


C2960#showerrdisable recovery

 交換安全三寶(DHCP Snooping+IPSG+DAI)簡單實驗




C2960#show running-config

Building configuration...


Current configuration : 3001 bytes


version 12.2

no service pad

service timestamps debug uptime

service timestamps log uptime

no service password-encryption


hostname C2960






no aaa new-model

system mtu routing 1500



ip dhcp snooping vlan 10

ip dhcp snooping

ip arp inspection vlan 10

ip arp inspection validate src-mac dst-mac ip

ip arp inspection filter TEST vlan  10



errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection

errdisable recovery interval 60


spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

spanning-tree extend system-id


vlan internal allocation policy ascending



interface FastEthernet0/1

 description ---Connected to DHCP_Server ---

 switchportaccess vlan 10

 switchport modeaccess

 ip arpinspection trust


 spanning-treebpduguard enable

 ip dhcp snoopingtrust


interface FastEthernet0/2


interface FastEthernet0/3


interface FastEthernet0/4


interface FastEthernet0/5


interface FastEthernet0/6


interface FastEthernet0/7


interface FastEthernet0/8


interface FastEthernet0/9


interface FastEthernet0/10

 description ---Connected to PC1 ---

 switchportaccess vlan 10

 switchport modeaccess

 switchportport-security maximum 10


 switchportport-security mac-address sticky

 switchportport-security mac-address sticky 54ee.7535.bb02 vlan access

 ip arpinspection limit rate 20


 spanning-treebpduguard enable

 ip verifysource port-security

 ip dhcpsnooping limit rate 20


interface FastEthernet0/11


interface FastEthernet0/12


interface FastEthernet0/13


interface FastEthernet0/14


interface FastEthernet0/15


interface FastEthernet0/16


interface FastEthernet0/17


interface FastEthernet0/18


interface FastEthernet0/19


interface FastEthernet0/20


interface FastEthernet0/21


interface FastEthernet0/22


interface FastEthernet0/23


interface FastEthernet0/24


interface FastEthernet0/25


interface FastEthernet0/26


interface FastEthernet0/27


interface FastEthernet0/28


interface FastEthernet0/29


interface FastEthernet0/30


interface FastEthernet0/31


interface FastEthernet0/32


interface FastEthernet0/33


interface FastEthernet0/34


interface FastEthernet0/35


interface FastEthernet0/36


interface FastEthernet0/37


interface FastEthernet0/38


interface FastEthernet0/39


interface FastEthernet0/40


interface FastEthernet0/41


interface FastEthernet0/42


interface FastEthernet0/43


interface FastEthernet0/44


interface FastEthernet0/45


interface FastEthernet0/46


interface FastEthernet0/47


interface FastEthernet0/48


interface GigabitEthernet0/1


interface GigabitEthernet0/2


interface Vlan1

 no ip address

 no iproute-cache


interface Vlan10

 ip address10.1.10.254


ip http server

ip http secure-server

ip source binding AAAA.BBBB.CCCC vlan 10 Fa0/5


arp access-list TEST

 permit ip host10.1.10.20 mac host aaaa.bbbb.cccc


line con 0

line vty 0 4


line vty 5 15













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