Oracle Study之案例--AIX安裝RAC錯誤之(rootpre)
Oracle 10g for AIX 5309 rootpre執行時報以下錯誤:
# ./rootpre.sh
Required file ./pw-syscall32 is missing.
1、下載補丁號2896876,上傳至服務端重新執行即可 2、以下方法沒有嘗試(僅作參考) Copy the "rootpre" sub-directory to a temporary location and run rootpre.sh If you have the Oracle10g software CDROM mounted on /cdrom, do the following: #cp -r /cdrom/rootpre /tmp/rootpre Alternatively, if you have downloaded the Oracle10g software and unpacked it in /stage then do the following: #cp -r /stage/Disk1/rootpre /tmp/rootpre Now execute the rootpre.sh script: #cd /tmp/rootpre #./rootpre.sh