一、概述 sendEmail是一個輕量級,命令行的SMTP郵件客戶端。如果你需要使用命令行發送郵件,那么sendEmail是非常完美的選擇:使用簡單并且功能強大.這個被設計用在php、bash、perl和web站點使
二、sendEmail安裝及配置 1、需要安裝依賴包 yum install perl-Net-SSLeay perl-IO-Socket-SSL -y 2、下載sendEmial包 cd /usr/local/src/ wget -c http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/sendEmail-v1.56.tar.gz 3、解壓安裝 tar -xvf sendEmail-v1.56.tar.gz cd sendEmail-v1.56/ cp -a sendEmail /usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sendEmail 4、執行sendEmail查看幫助信息 /usr/local/bin/sendEmail sendEmail-1.56 by Brandon Zehm Synopsis: sendEmail -f ADDRESS [options] Required: -f ADDRESS from (sender) email address * At least one recipient required via -t, -cc, or -bcc * Message body required via -m, STDIN, or -o message-file=FILE Common: -t ADDRESS [ADDR ...] to email address(es) -u SUBJECT message subject -m MESSAGE message body -s SERVER[:PORT] smtp mail relay, default is localhost:25 Optional: -a FILE [FILE ...] file attachment(s) -cc ADDRESS [ADDR ...] cc email address(es) -bcc ADDRESS [ADDR ...] bcc email address(es) -xu USERNAME username for SMTP authentication -xp PASSWORD password for SMTP authentication Paranormal: -b BINDADDR[:PORT] local host bind address -l LOGFILE log to the specified file -v verbosity, use multiple times for greater effect -q be quiet (i.e. no STDOUT output) -o NAME=VALUE advanced options, for details try: --help misc -o message-content-type= -o message-file=FILE -o message-format=raw -o message-header=HEADER -o message-charset=CHARSET -o reply-to=ADDRESS -o timeout=SECONDS -o username=USERNAME -o password=PASSWORD -o tls= -o fqdn=FQDN Help: --help the helpful overview you're reading now --help addressing explain addressing and related options --help message explain message body input and related options --help networking explain -s, -b, etc --help output explain logging and other output options --help misc explain -o options, TLS, SMTP auth, and more 4、sendEmail 郵件測試 參數說明 /usr/local/bin/sendEmail #命令主程序 -f from@test.cn #發件人郵箱 -t to@test.cn #收件人郵箱 -s smtp.test.cn #發件人郵箱的smtp服務器 -u "MY測試郵件主題" #郵件的標題 -o message-content-type=html #郵件內容的格式,html表示它是html格式 -o message-charset=utf8 #郵件內容編碼 -xu from@test.cn #發件人郵箱的用戶名 -xp $passwd #發件人郵箱密碼 -m "MY測試的郵件內容" #郵件的具體內容
郵件測試 /usr/local/bin/sendEmail -f my@test.com -t to@test.com -s smtp.test.cn -u "MY測試郵件主題" -o message-content-type=html -o message-charset=utf8 -xu my@test.com -xp $passwd -m "MY測試的郵件內容"
三、Zabbix告警配置及告警測試 1、zabbix自定義的指定目錄 grep '^[a-Z]' /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf LogFile=/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log LogFileSize=0 PidFile=/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid DBHost=localhost DBName=zabbix DBUser=zabbix DBPassword=zabbix SNMPTrapperFile=/var/log/snmptrap/snmptrap.log Timeout=4 AlertScriptsPath=/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts ExternalScripts=/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts LogSlowQueries=3000 cd /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts 2、sendEmail腳本 vim sendEmail.sh #!/bin/bash LOGFILE="/tmp/Email.log" :>"$LOGFILE" exec 1>"$LOGFILE" exec 2>&1 SMTP_server='smtp.test.cn' #SMTP服務器,變量值需要自行修改 username='my@test.com' #用戶名,變量值需要自行修改 password='$passwd ' #密碼,變量值需要自行修改 from_email_address='my@test.com' #發件人Email地址,變量值需要自行修改 to_email_address="$1" #收件人Email地址,zabbix傳入的第一個參數 message_subject_utf8="$2" #郵件標題,zabbix傳入的第二個參數 message_body_utf8="$3" #郵件內容,zabbix傳入的第三個參數 # 轉換郵件標題為GB2312,解決郵件標題含有中文,收到郵件顯示亂碼的問題。 message_subject_gb2312=`iconv -t GB2312 -f UTF-8 << EOF $message_subject_utf8 EOF` [ $? -eq 0 ] && message_subject="$message_subject_gb2312" || message_subject="$message_subject_utf8" # 轉換郵件內容為GB2312,解決收到郵件內容亂碼 message_body_gb2312=`iconv -t GB2312 -f UTF-8 << EOF $message_body_utf8 EOF` [ $? -eq 0 ] && message_body="$message_body_gb2312" || message_body="$message_body_utf8" # 發送郵件 sendEmail='/usr/local/bin/sendEmail' set -x $sendEmail -s "$SMTP_server" -xu "$username" -xp "$password" -f "$from_email_address" -t "$to_email_address" -u "$message_subject" -m "$message_body" -o message-content-type=text -o message-charset=gb2312 3、腳本權限 chmod 755 sendEmail.sh touch /tmp/Email.log chown zabbix.zabbix /tmp/Email.log chown zabbix.zabbix sendEmail.sh 4、腳本測試 ./sendEmail.sh my@test.com 我的主題測試 內容測試
[object Object][object Object] [object Object] refer: http://blog.csdn.net/xiegh3014/article/details/56277111 http://www.jianshu.com/p/046314951af3