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Maintenance Method of Aluminum Alloy Wheel for Automobile Maintenance

發布時間:2020-08-07 16:20:17 來源:ITPUB博客 閱讀:114 作者:willampan 欄目:大數據
Maintenance Method of Aluminum Alloy Wheel for Automobile Maintenance
Knowledge of car maintenance can be described as a wide variety of projects. Owners are generally concerned about the appearance of the car maintenance and easy to ignore other parts of the maintenance, such as car wheel maintenance.
Aluminum alloy wheels with its nice, safe and comfortable Maintenance Method of Aluminum Alloy Wheel for Automobile Maintenance features such as more and more private owners of the favor. Now, almost all of the new models are used aluminum wheels, and many owners will also be the original car with the steel wheels replaced by aluminum wheels. Here, to introduce the aluminum alloy wheel conservation methods.
1, when the hub temperature is high, it should be allowed to clean and then clean, do not use cold water to clean. Otherwise, will damage the aluminum alloy hub, and even make the brake disc deformation and affect the braking effect. In addition, at high temperatures with detergent cleaning aluminum alloy wheels, will make the hub surface chemical reaction, loss of gloss, affect the appearance.
2, when the hub is difficult to remove the asphalt, if the general cleaning agent to no avail, you can try to clear the brush, but do not use the hard brush, especially the iron brush, so as not to damage the wheel surface. Here, to the private car owners to introduce a clear asphalt remedies: the selection of medicinal "live oil" rubbed, you can get unexpected results, may wish to try.
3, where the vehicle is wet, the wheels should be washed, so as not to salt on the aluminum surface corrosion.
4, if necessary, clean, the wheels can be waxed maintenance, so that gloss forever.
The operation of the car wheel is related to the safety of the owner and the car, the owner usually in addition to maintaining the appearance of the car, the need to maintain more car wheels, so that car travel more secure.



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