這篇文章主要介紹“oracle sql優化中not in子句包含null返回結果為空的分析”,在日常操作中,相信很多人在oracle sql優化中not in子句包含null返回結果為空的分析問題上存在疑惑,小編查閱了各式資料,整理出簡單好用的操作方法,希望對大家解答”oracle sql優化中not in子句包含null返回結果為空的分析”的疑惑有所幫助!接下來,請跟著小編一起來學習吧!
create table t_dept as select * from scott.dept; create table t_emp as select * from scott.emp; insert into t_emp(deptno,ename) values(null,'MINGSHUO'); --在emp表中插入一條數據,deptno列為null commit; |
SQL> select distinct deptno from t_emp;
DEPTNO ---------- 30
20 10 SQL> select distinct deptno from t_dept;
DEPTNO ---------- 30 20 40 10
SQL> select * from t_dept where deptno not in (select deptno from t_emp where deptno is not null);
DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------- ------------- 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON
然后把子查詢中的where dept is not null去掉,再次運行查詢:
SQL> select * from t_dept where deptno not in (select deptno from t_emp);
no rows selected |
這里很多人存在疑惑,為什么子查詢結果集包括null就會出問題,比如t_dept.deptno為40的時候,40 not in (10,20,30,null)也成立啊。畢竟oracle查詢優化器不如人腦智能懂得變通,查看執行計劃就比較容易明白了。
Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 2864198334
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 4 | 172 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | HASH JOIN ANTI NA | | 4 | 172 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T_DEPT | 4 | 120 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T_EMP | 15 | 195 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------
1 - access("DEPTNO"="DEPTNO")
Note ----- - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
注意到這里id 1是HASH JOIN ANTI NA。這時候就想起來了,not in是對null值敏感的。所以普通反連接是不能處理null的,因此oracle推出了改良版的能處理null的反連接方法,這種方法被稱為"Null-Aware Anti Join"。operation中的關鍵字NA就是這么來的了。
在Oracle 11gR2中,Oracl通過受隱含參數_OPTIMIZER_NULL_AWARE_ANTIJOIN控制NA,其默認值為TRUE,表示啟用Null-Aware Anti Join。
alter session set "_optimizer_null_aware_antijoin" = false; 再次執行:select * from t_dept where deptno not in (select deptno from t_emp); |
Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 393913035
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 30 | 4 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | FILTER | | | | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T_DEPT | 4 | 120 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T_EMP | 14 | 182 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------
1 - filter( NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM "T_EMP" "T_EMP" WHERE LNNVL("DEPTNO"<>:B1))) 3 - filter(LNNVL("DEPTNO"<>:B1))
Note ----- - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
lnnvl用于某個語句的where子句中的條件,如果條件為true就返回false;如果條件為UNKNOWN或者false就返回true。該函數不能用于復合條件如AND, OR, or BETWEEN中。
此時比如t_dept.deptno為40的時候,(40 not in 10)and(40 not in 20)and(40 not in 30)and(40 not in null),注意這里是and“并且”,條件都需要滿足。
結果是true and true and true and false或者unknow。經過lvnnvl函數后:
false and false and false and true,結果還是false。所以自然就不會有結果了。
SQL> select * from t_dept where deptno not in (10,20,null);
no rows selected
Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 719542577
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 30 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T_DEPT | 1 | 30 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------
Note ----- - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
過濾條件"DEPTNO"<>10 AND "DEPTNO"<>20 AND "DEPTNO"<>TO_NUMBER(NULL)因為最后一個and條件,整個條件恒為flase或者unkonw。
所以not in的子查詢中出現null值,無返回結果。
這種時候其實可以用not exists寫法和外連接代替:
not exists寫法:
select * from t_dept d where not exists (select 1 from t_emp e where d.deptno = e.deptno); |
select d.* from t_dept d, t_emp e where d.deptno=e.deptno(+) and e.deptno is null; |
/** 根據NULL的比較和邏輯運算規則,OR條件有一個為TRUE則返回TRUE,全為FALSE則結果為FALSE,其他為UNKNOWN,比如 (1,2) not in (null,2)則相當于1 <> null or 2 <> 2,那么明顯返回的結果是UNKNOWN,所以不可能為真,不返回結果,但是 (1,2) not in (null,3)相當于1 <> null or 2 <> 3,因為2<>3的已經是TRUE,所以條件為TRUE,返回結果,也就說明了為什么Q2中的 測試是那樣的結果 **/
看個簡單的結果: SQL> SELECT * FROM DUAL WHERE (1,2) not in ( (null,2) );
DUMMY ----- SQL> SELECT * FROM DUAL WHERE (1,2) not in ( (null,3) );
DUMMY ----- X
到此,關于“oracle sql優化中not in子句包含null返回結果為空的分析”的學習就結束了,希望能夠解決大家的疑惑。理論與實踐的搭配能更好的幫助大家學習,快去試試吧!若想繼續學習更多相關知識,請繼續關注億速云網站,小編會繼續努力為大家帶來更多實用的文章!