/* * 基于curses庫彈球游戲,編譯gcc xxx.c -lcurses */ #include <curses.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <signal.h> #define RIGHT COLS-1 /*球所能到達的當前屏幕最大水平范圍*/ #define BOTTOM LINES-1 /*球所能到達的當前屏幕最大垂直范圍*/ #define BOARD_LENGTH 10 /*擋板長度*/ #define LEFT 0 /*當前屏幕的最左邊*/ #define TOP 0 /*當前屏幕的最上邊*/ char BALL= 'O'; /*球的形狀*/ char BLANK= ' '; /*覆蓋球走過的軌跡*/ int left_board; /*擋板左側坐標*/ int right_board; /*擋板右側坐標*/ int is_lose=0; int hdir; /*控制球水平運動的變量*/ int vdir; /*控制球垂直運動的變量*/ int pos_X; /*球的橫坐標*/ int pos_Y; /*球的縱坐標*/ int delay=100; void moveBall(); void init(); void control(); int main() { //初始化 curses initscr(); crmode(); /*中斷模式*/ noecho(); /*關閉回顯*/ move(6,28); attron(A_BOLD); addstr("Welcome to the BallGame!"); move(8,20); attroff(A_BOLD); addstr("Help:"); move(9,23); addstr("'N':Start a new game."); move(10,23); addstr("'Q':Quit game."); move(11,23); addstr("'KEY_LEFT' :Control baffle left shift."); move(12,23); addstr("'KEY_RIGHT':Control baffle right shift."); move(13,23); addstr("'KEY_UP' :Control of the ball speed."); move(14,23); addstr("'KEY_DOWN' :Control of the ball reducer."); int flag=1; char choice; move(16,24); addstr("Please choose your choice!(n/q):"); refresh(); choice=getch(); while(flag){ if(choice=='q'||choice=='Q'||choice=='n'||choice=='N') flag=0; else choice=getch(); } if(choice=='n'||choice=='N'){ /*開始游戲*/ clear(); move(10,25); addstr("BallGame will start! Are you read?"); refresh(); sleep(3); control(); } else if(choice=='q'||choice=='Q'){ /*退出游戲*/ clear(); move(10,25); addstr("You quit the game successfully!"); refresh(); sleep(3); endwin(); } endwin(); /*結束 curses*/ return 0; } void init(){ int i,j; clear(); if(start_color()==OK){ /*改變球和擋板的顏色*/ attron(A_BOLD); /*打開粗體*/ init_pair(1,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } //初始球 pos_X =22; /*球初始的橫坐標*/ pos_Y = BOTTOM-1; /*球初始的縱坐標*/ //初始化球的運動方向,朝右上方運動 hdir=1; vdir=-1; //初始擋板 left_board=20; right_board=left_board+BOARD_LENGTH; for(i=left_board;i<=right_board;i++){ /*顯示擋板*/ move(BOTTOM,i); addch('-'); } //初始刷新時間 signal(SIGALRM,moveBall); set_ticker(delay); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); /*打開 keypad 鍵盤響應*/ attroff(A_BLINK); /*關閉 A_BLINK 屬性*/ is_lose=0; move(pos_Y,pos_X); addch(BALL); move(LINES-1, COLS-1); refresh(); usleep(100000); /*睡眠*/ move(LINES-1,COLS-1); refresh(); } void moveBall(){ if(is_lose) return; signal(SIGALRM,moveBall); move(pos_Y,pos_X); addch(BLANK); pos_X += hdir; pos_Y += vdir; //改變球的方向時 if(pos_X >= RIGHT) { /*當球橫坐標大于右邊邊緣時,球反彈朝左運動*/ hdir = -1; beep(); /*球撞墻時,發出聲音*/ } if(pos_X <= LEFT) { /*當球橫坐標大于左邊邊緣時,球反彈朝右運動*/ hdir = 1; beep(); /*球撞墻時,發出聲音*/ } if(pos_Y <= TOP) { /*當球縱坐標大于頂部邊緣時,球反彈朝下運動*/ vdir = 1; beep(); /*球撞墻時,發出聲音*/ } //當球在底部的時候進行額外的處理 if(pos_Y >= BOTTOM-1){ if(pos_X>=left_board&&pos_X<=right_board) /*球在擋板處*/ vdir=-1; else{ /*球不在擋板處*/ is_lose=1; move(pos_Y,pos_X); addch(BALL); move(LINES-1, COLS-1); refresh(); usleep(delay*1000); /*睡眠*/ move(pos_Y,pos_X); addch(BLANK); pos_X += hdir; pos_Y += vdir; move(pos_Y,pos_X); addch(BALL); move(LINES-1, COLS-1); refresh(); } } //不改變球的方向時 move(pos_Y,pos_X); addch(BALL); move(LINES-1, COLS-1); refresh(); } void control(){ init(); int cmd; while (1) { if(!is_lose){ cmd=getch(); if(cmd=='q'||cmd=='Q'||cmd==27) break; //強制退出游戲 //擋板左移 if(cmd==KEY_LEFT){ if(left_board>0){ move(BOTTOM,right_board); addch(' '); right_board--; left_board--; move(BOTTOM,left_board); addch('-'); move(BOTTOM,RIGHT); refresh(); } } //擋板右移 else if(cmd==KEY_RIGHT){ if(right_board<RIGHT){ move(BOTTOM,left_board); addch(' '); right_board++; left_board++; move(BOTTOM,right_board); addch('-'); move(BOTTOM,RIGHT); refresh(); } } //給球加速 else if(cmd==KEY_UP){ delay/=2; set_ticker(delay); } //給球減速 else if(cmd==KEY_DOWN){ delay*=2; set_ticker(delay); } } else{ //輸掉球后的處理 int flag=1; char choice; move(8,15); addstr("Game Over!try again?(y/n):"); refresh(); choice=getch(); while(flag){ if(choice=='y'||choice=='Y'||choice=='n'||choice=='N') flag=0; else choice=getch(); } if(choice=='y'||choice=='Y'){ /*游戲重新開始*/ delay=100; /*恢復球的初始速度*/ init(); continue; } else if(choice=='n'||choice=='N'){ /*結束游戲*/ break; } } } } //設置定時器 int set_ticker(int n_msecs){ struct itimerval new_timeset; long n_sec,n_usecs; n_sec=n_msecs/1000; n_usecs=(n_msecs%1000)*1000L; new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec=n_sec; new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec=n_usecs; new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec=n_sec; new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec=n_usecs; return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&new_timeset,NULL); }
用gcc BounceBall.c -lcurses編譯后,生成BounceBall.out , 運行 ./BounceBall.out , 游戲截圖如下: