from view import View from atm import ATM from person import Person def func(view,atm,per): view.funcInterface() choice = input("請選擇您要辦理的業務:") if choice == '1': return per.checkMoney(atm) elif choice == '2': return per.saveMoney(atm) elif choice == '3': return per.getMoney(atm) elif choice == '4': return per.transferMoney(atm) elif choice == '5': return per.changePassword(atm) elif choice == '6': return per.unlockAccount(atm) elif choice == '7': return per.closeAccount(atm) elif choice == 'T': if per.exit(atm): return True else: print("輸入有誤!") def main(): # 管理員登錄名為'admin',密碼為'123' view = View("admin",'123') view.initface() atm = ATM() view.login() per = Person() while True: view.funcInit() choice = input("請選擇您要辦理的業務:") if choice == '1': per.newAccount(atm) elif choice == '2': if per.login(atm): while True: if func(view,atm,per) == None: continue else: break elif choice == '3': per.findBackPassword(atm) elif choice == '4': per.lockAccount(atm) elif choice == 'T': if per.exit(atm): # 管理員注銷系統 if view.logout(): return True else: print("輸入有誤!") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
''' 卡: 類名:Card 屬性:卡號【6位隨機】 密碼 余額 綁定的身份證號 手機號 ''' class Card(object): def __init__(self, cardId, password, money,identityId,phoneNum,cardLock='False'): self.cardId = cardId self.password = password self.money = money self.identityId = identityId self.phoneNum = phoneNum self.cardLock = cardLock
''' 功能:讀取文件cardInfo.txt的信息 方法:讀、寫、刪 ''' from card import Card import json # 讀 class ReadCard(Card): def __init__(self, cardId='', password='', money=0, identityId='', phoneNum='', cardLock=''): Card.__init__(self, cardId, password, money, identityId, phoneNum, cardLock) def dict2Card(self, d): return self.__class__(d["cardId"], d["password"], d["money"],d["identityId"],d["phoneNum"], d["cardLock"]) def read(self): # card對象轉為字典 with open("cardinfo.txt","r",encoding="utf-8") as fr: cards = [] for re in fr.readlines(): cards.append(self.dict2Card(eval(re))) return cards # 寫 class AppendCard(Card): def __init__(self): Card.__init__(self, cardId = '', password = '', money = 0, identityId = '', phoneNum = '', cardLock='') def card2Dict(self,card): return {"cardId": card.cardId, "password": card.password, "money": card.money, "identityId": card.identityId, "phoneNum": card.phoneNum, "cardLock": card.cardLock } def append(self,card,w= 'a'): # 默認是追加,如果w='w'就清空文件 if w == 'w': with open("cardinfo.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fa: fa.write('') else: with open("cardinfo.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as fa: json.dump(card, fa, default=self.card2Dict) fa.write('\n') # 刪 class Del(object): def del_(self,cardId): readcard = ReadCard() cards = readcard.read() for card in cards: # 刪除輸入的卡號 if cardId == card.cardId: cards.remove(card) break else: print("卡號不存在!") return False # 重新寫入文件 appendcard = AppendCard() appendcard.append('',w='w') for card in cards: appendcard.append(card) return True
''' 人 類名:Person 行為:開戶、查詢、取款、存儲、轉賬、改密、銷戶、退出 ''' class Person(object): def __init__(self,name='',identity='',phoneNum='',card=None): self.name = name self.identity = identity self.phoneNum = phoneNum self.card = card # 登錄 def login(self,atm): card = atm.login() if card: self.card = card return True else: return False # 開戶 def newAccount(self,atm): return atm.newAccount() #找回密碼 def findBackPassword(self,atm): return atm.findBackPassword() # 查詢余額 def checkMoney(self, atm): return atm.checkMoney(self.card) # 存錢 def saveMoney(self, atm): return atm.saveMoney(self.card) # 取錢 def getMoney(self, atm): return atm.getMoney(self.card) # 轉賬 def transferMoney(self, atm): return atm.transferMoney(self.card) # 銷戶 def closeAccount(self, atm): return atm.closeAccount(self.card) # 掛失 def lockAccount(self, atm): return atm.lockAccount() # 解鎖 def unlockAccount(self, atm): return atm.unlockAccount(self.card) # 改密 def changePassword(self, atm): return atm.changePassword(self.card) # 退出系統 def exit(self, atm): return atm.exit()
''' 管理員界面 類名:View 屬性:賬號,密碼 行為:管理員初始化界面 管理員登陸 系統功能界面 管理員注銷 系統功能:開戶 查詢 取款 存儲 轉賬 改密 銷戶 退出 ''' from check import Check import time class View(object): def __init__(self,admin,password): self.admin = admin self.password = password # 管理員初始化界面 def initface(self): print("*------------------------------------*") print("| |") print("| 管理員界面正在啟動,請稍候... |") print("| |") print("*------------------------------------*") time.sleep(1) return #管理員登錄界面 def login(self): print("*------------------------------------*") print("| |") print("| 管理員登陸界面 |") print("| |") print("*------------------------------------*") check = Check() check.userName(self.admin,self.password) print("*-------------登陸成功---------------*") print(" 正在跳轉到系統功能界面,請稍候... ") del check time.sleep(1) return # 管理員注銷界面 def logout(self): print("*------------------------------------*") print("| |") print("| 管理員注銷界面 |") print("| |") print("*------------------------------------*") #確認是否注銷 check = Check() if not check.isSure('注銷'): return False check.userName(self.admin,self.password) print("*-------------注銷成功---------------*") print(" 正在關閉系統,請稍候... ") del check time.sleep(1) return True #系統功能界面 ''' 系統功能:開戶,查詢,取款,存儲,轉賬,銷戶,掛失,解鎖,改密,退出 ''' def funcInit(self): print("*-------Welcome To Future Bank---------*") print("| |") print("| (1)開戶 (2)登錄 |") print("| (3)找回密碼 (4)掛失 |") print("| (T)退出 |") print("| |") print("*--------------------------------------*") def funcInterface(self): print("*-------Welcome To Future Bank---------*") print("| |") print("| (1)查詢 (5)改密 |") print("| (2)存款 (6)解鎖 |") print("| (3)取款 (7)銷戶 |") print("| (4)轉賬 (T)退出 |") print("| |") print("*--------------------------------------*")
''' 提款機: 類名:ATM 屬性: 行為(被動執行操作):開戶,查詢,取款,存儲,轉賬,銷戶,掛失,解鎖,改密,退出 ''' from check import Check from card import Card from readAppendCard import ReadCard,AppendCard import random import time class ATM(object): def __init__(self): # 實例化相關的類 self.check = Check() self.readCard = ReadCard() self.appendCard = AppendCard() self.cards = self.readCard.read() # 顯示功能界面 def funcShow(self,ope): if ope != "找回密碼": print("*-------Welcome To Future Bank-------*") print("| %s功能界面 |"%ope) print("*------------------------------------*") else: # 顯示找回密碼界面 print("*-------Welcome To Future Bank-------*") print("| 找回密碼功能界面 |") print("*------------------------------------*") # 卡號輸入 def cardInput(self,ope=''): while True: cardId = input("請輸入卡號:") password = input("請輸入密碼:") card = self.check.isCardAndPasswordSure(self.cards, cardId,password) if not card: print("卡號或密碼輸入有誤!!!") if ope == 'login' or ope == 'lock': return False else: continue else: return card # 登錄 def login(self): self.funcShow("登錄") return self.cardInput('login') #找回密碼 def findBackPassword(self): self.funcShow("找回密碼") cardId = input("請輸入卡號:") card = self.check.isCardIdExist(self.cards,cardId) if card: if not self.check.isCardInfoSure(card,"找回密碼"): return newpassword = self.check.newPasswordInput() index = self.cards.index(card) self.cards[index].password = newpassword self.writeCard() print("找回密碼成功!請重新登錄!!!") time.sleep(1) return True else: print("卡號不存在!!!") return True # 開戶 def newAccount(self): self.funcShow("開戶") # 輸入身份證號和手機號 pnum = self.check.phoneInput() iden = self.check.identifyInput() print("正在執行開戶程序,請稍候...") while True: # 隨機生成6位卡號 cardId = str(random.randrange(100000, 1000000)) # 隨機生成的卡號存在就繼續 if self.check.isCardIdExist(self.cards,cardId): continue else: break # 初始化卡號密碼,卡里的錢,卡的鎖定狀態 card = Card(cardId, '888888', 0, iden, pnum , 'False') self.appendCard.append(card) print("開戶成功,您的卡號為%s,密碼為%s,卡余額為%d元!"%(cardId,'888888',0)) print("為了賬戶安全,請及時修改密碼!!!") # 更新卡號列表 self.cards = self.readCard.read() return True # 查詢 def checkMoney(self,card): self.funcShow("查詢") if self.check.isCardLock(card): print("查詢失敗!") else: print("卡上余額為%d元!" %card.money) time.sleep(1) # 存款 def saveMoney(self,card): self.funcShow("存款") if self.check.isCardLock(card): print("存錢失敗!") else: mon = self.check.moneyInput("存款") # 找到所有卡中對應的卡號,然后對此卡進行存款操作 index = self.cards.index(card) self.cards[index].money += mon print("正在執行存款程序,請稍候...") time.sleep(1) self.writeCard() print("存款成功!卡上余額為%d元!"%self.cards[index].money) time.sleep(1) # 取款 def getMoney(self,card): self.funcShow("取款") if self.check.isCardLock(card): print("取錢失敗!") else: print("卡上余額為%d元!" %card.money) mon = self.check.moneyInput("取款") if mon: if mon > card.money: print("余額不足,您當前余額為%d元!"%card.money) time.sleep(1) else: print("正在執行取款程序,請稍候...") time.sleep(1) # 找到所有卡中對應的卡號,然后對此卡進行存款操作 index = self.cards.index(card) self.cards[index].money -= mon self.writeCard() print("取款成功!卡上的余額為%d元!"%self.cards[index].money) time.sleep(1) # 轉賬 def transferMoney(self,card): self.funcShow("轉賬") if self.check.isCardLock(card): #如果卡已鎖定就不能進行轉賬操作 print("轉賬失敗!") return while True: cardId = input("請輸入對方的賬號:") if cardId == card.cardId: print("不能給自己轉賬!!!") return cardOther = self.check.isCardIdExist(self.cards,cardId) #判斷對方卡號是否存在 if cardOther == False: print("對方賬號不存在!!!") return else: break while True: print("卡上余額為%d元"%card.money) mon = self.check.moneyInput("轉賬") if not mon: #輸入的金額不對就返回 return if mon > card.money: #輸入的金額大于卡上余額就返回 print("余額不足,卡上余額為%d元!" % card.money) return else: break print("正在執行轉賬程序,請稍候...") time.sleep(1) index = self.cards.index(card) # 找到所有卡中對應的卡號,然后對此卡進行轉賬操作 self.cards[index].money -= mon indexOther = self.cards.index(cardOther) #找到對卡卡號所處位置 self.cards[indexOther].money += mon self.writeCard() print("轉賬成功!卡上余額為%d元!" % self.cards[index].money) time.sleep(1) # 銷戶 def closeAccount(self,card): self.funcShow("銷戶") if not self.check.isCardInfoSure(card,"銷戶"): return if card.money >0: print("卡上還有余額,不能進行銷戶!!!") return if self.check.isSure("銷戶"): self.cards.remove(card) #移除當前卡號 self.writeCard() print("銷戶成功!") time.sleep(1) return True # 掛失 def lockAccount(self): self.funcShow("掛失") card = self.cardInput('lock') if not card: return if card.cardLock == "True": print("卡已處于鎖定狀態!!!") return if not self.check.isCardInfoSure(card,"掛失"): return if self.check.isSure("掛失"): index = self.cards.index(card) #找到所有卡中對應的卡號,然后對此卡進行掛失操作 self.cards[index].cardLock = "True" self.writeCard() print("掛失成功!") time.sleep(1) return True # 解鎖 def unlockAccount(self,card): self.funcShow("解鎖") if card.cardLock == 'False': print("無需解鎖,卡處于正常狀態!!!") return if not self.check.isCardInfoSure(card,"解鎖"): return index = self.cards.index(card) self.cards[index].cardLock = "False" self.writeCard() print("解鎖成功!") time.sleep(1) return True # 改密 def changePassword(self,card): self.funcShow("改密") if self.check.isCardLock(card): print("卡處于鎖定狀態,不能進行改密!!!") return if not self.check.isCardInfoSure(card,"改密"): return # 輸入舊密碼 while True: password = input("請輸入舊密碼:") if self.check.isPasswordSure(password,card.password): break else: print("卡號原密碼輸入錯誤!") return newpassword = self.check.newPasswordInput() index = self.cards.index(card) #找到所有卡中對應的卡號,然后對此卡進行改密操作 self.cards[index].password = newpassword self.writeCard() print("改密成功!請重新登錄!!!") time.sleep(1) return True # 寫入文件 def writeCard(self): self.appendCard.append('', w='w') #先清除原文件再重新寫入 for card in self.cards: self.appendCard.append(card) # 退出 def exit(self): if self.check.isSure("退出"): return True else: return False
''' 驗證類: 用戶名、密碼、卡號、身份證、手機號驗證 使用正則表達式進行文本搜索 ''' import re class Check(object): def __init__(self): pass #用戶驗證 def userName(self,admin,password): self.admin = admin self.password = password while True: admin = input("請輸入用戶名:") password = input("請輸入密碼:") if admin != self.admin or password != self.password: print("用戶名或密碼輸入有誤,請重新輸入!!!") continue else: return #是否確認某操作 def isSure(self,operate): while True: res = input("是否確認%s?【yes/no】"%operate) if res not in ['yes','no']: print("輸入有誤,請重新輸入!!!") continue elif res == 'yes': return True else: return False # 手機號驗證 def phoneInput(self): # 簡單的手機號驗證:開頭為1且全部為數字,長度為11位 while True: pnum = input("請輸入您的手機號:") res = re.match(r"^1\d{10}$",pnum) if not res: print("手機號輸入有誤,請重新輸入!!!") continue return pnum # 身份證號驗證 def identifyInput(self): # 簡單的身份證號驗證:6位,只有最后一可以為x,其余必須為數字 while True: iden = input("請輸入您的身份證號(6位數字):") res = re.match(r"\d{5}\d|x$",iden) if not res: print("身份證號輸入有誤,請重新輸入!!!") continue return iden # 卡號是否存在 def isCardIdExist(self,cards,cardId): for card in cards: if cardId == card.cardId: return card else: return False # 卡號和密碼是否一致 def isCardAndPasswordSure(self,cards,cardId,password): card = self.isCardIdExist(cards,cardId) if card: if card.password == password: return card return False # 密碼二次確認是否正確 def isPasswordSure(self, newassword,oldpassword): if newassword == oldpassword: return True else: return False # 卡號完整信息驗證 def isCardInfoSure(self,card,ope): phoneNum = input("請輸入手機號:") iden = input("請輸入身份證號:") if card.phoneNum == phoneNum and card.identityId == iden: return True print("%s失敗!!!\n密碼、手機號或身份證號與卡中綁定的信息不一致!!!"%ope) return False # 卡號是否鎖定 def isCardLock(self,card): if card.cardLock == "True": print("此卡已掛失!") return True return False # 輸入金額驗證 def moneyInput(self,ope): mon = input("輸入%s金額(100的倍數):"%ope) # 輸入的錢必須是100的倍數 if re.match(r"[123456789]\d*[0]{2}$", mon): return int(mon) print("輸入有誤,%s金額必須是100的倍數!請重新輸入!!!"%ope) return False def newPasswordInput(self): while True: newpassword = input("請輸入新密碼:") if not re.match(r"\d{6}$",newpassword): print("密碼必須是6位的純數字!!!") continue newpasswordAgain = input("請重復輸入新密碼:") if self.isPasswordSure(newpassword, newpasswordAgain): break else: print("兩次輸入不一致!") continue return newpassword