<div class="demoTable"> 搜索ID: <div class="layui-inline"> <input class="layui-input" name="keyWord" id="keyWord" autocomplete="off"> </div> <span class="input-group-btn"> <select name="keyType" id="key_type" class="layui-btn"> <option value="userid" selected="selected">userid</option> <option value="content" >content</option> </select> </span> <button class="layui-btn" data-type="reload">搜索</button> </div>
reload:function () { var keyWord=$("#keyWord").val(); var keyType=$("#key_type option:selected").val(); table.reload('contenttable',{ method:'post', where:{keyWord:keyWord,keyType:keyType} }); }
<script> layui.use('table', function(){ var table = layui.table; //渲染 table.render({ elem: '#test' //綁定table表格 ,height: 450 ,url: '<%=request.getContextPath()%>/admin/backContent' //后臺springmvc接收路徑 ,page:true //true表示分頁 ,limit: 10 ,id:'contenttable' ,toolbar: '#toolbarDemo' ,cols: [[ {type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'} ,{field:'id', title:'id', width:80, fixed: 'left', unresize: true, sort: true} ,{field:'content', title:'內容', width:120} ,{field:'userid', title:'用戶id', width:80, sort: true} ,{field:'nice', title:'點贊數', width:100} ,{field:'createtime', title:'分享時間', width:80, sort: true} ,{field:'pic1', title:'圖片1', width:120,templet:'<div><img src="http://localhost:8089/SharedImageServer/contentpic/{{ d.pic1}}"></div>'} ,{field:'pic2', title:'圖片2', width:120,templet:'<div><img src="http://localhost:8089/SharedImageServer/contentpic/{{ d.pic2}}"></div>'} ,{field:'pic3', title:'圖片3', width:120,templet:'<div><img src="http://localhost:8089/SharedImageServer/contentpic/{{ d.pic3}}"></div>'} ]] }); //監聽表格行點擊 table.on('tr', function(obj){ console.log(obj) }); //監聽表格復選框選擇 table.on('checkbox(test)', function(obj){ console.log(obj) }); //監聽表格單選框選擇 table.on('radio(test2)', function(obj){ console.log(obj) }); //監聽單元格編輯 table.on('edit(test2)', function(obj){ var value = obj.value //得到修改后的值 ,data = obj.data //得到所在行所有鍵值 ,field = obj.field; //得到字段 }); //監聽工具條 table.on('tool(test)', function(obj){ var data = obj.data; if(obj.event === 'del'){ layer.confirm('真的刪除行么', function(index){ obj.del(); layer.close(index); }); } else if(obj.event === 'edit'){ layer.prompt({ formType: 2 ,value: data.username }, function(value, index){ obj.update({ username: value }); layer.close(index); }); } }); var $ = layui.jquery, active = { getCheckData: function(){//獲取選中數據 var checkStatus = table.checkStatus('contenttable') ,data = checkStatus.data; layer.alert(JSON.stringify(data)); } ,getCheckLength: function(){//獲取選中數目 var checkStatus = table.checkStatus('contenttable') ,data = checkStatus.data; layer.msg('選中了:'+ data.length + ' 個'); } ,isAll: function(){//驗證是否全選 var checkStatus = table.checkStatus('contenttable'); layer.msg(checkStatus.isAll ? '全選': '未全選') } ,parseTable: function(){ table.init('parse-table-demo', { limit: 3 }); } ,add: function(){ table.addRow('test') } ,delete: function(){ layer.confirm('確認刪除嗎?', function(index){ table.deleteRow('test') layer.close(index); }); } ,reload:function () { var keyWord=$("#keyWord").val(); var keyType=$("#key_type option:selected").val(); table.reload('contenttable',{ method:'post', where:{keyWord:keyWord,keyType:keyType} }); } }; $('i').on('click', function(){ var type = $(this).data('type'); active[type] ? active[type].call(this) : ''; }); $('.layui-btn').on('click', function(){ var type = $(this).data('type'); active[type] ? active[type].call(this) : ''; }); }); </script>
/** * layui-content后臺代碼 * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/backContent") @ResponseBody public ResultMap<List<Content>> backContent(Page page, @RequestParam("limit") int limit){ page.setRows(limit); List<Content>contentList=contentService.selectPageList(page); int totals=contentService.selectPageCount(page); page.setTotalRecord(totals); return new ResultMap<List<Content>>(0,"",totals,contentList); }
package net.stxy.one.model; /** * * layui數據表格返回數據處理類 * Created by ASUS on 2018/5/19 * * @Authod Grey Wolf */ public class ResultMap<T> { private String msg; private T data; private int code; private int count; public String getMsg() { return msg; } public void setMsg(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public T getData() { return data; } public void setData(T data) { this.data = data; } public int getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(int code) { this.code = code; } public int getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; } public ResultMap(int code,String msg, int count,T data) { this.code = code; this.msg = msg; this.count = count; this.data = data; } public ResultMap() { } }
<!-- 通過條件分頁查詢,返回數據集 --> <select id="selectPageList" parameterType="net.stxy.one.model.Page" resultMap="BaseResultMap" > select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from content <where> <if test="keyWord!='' and keyType=='userid' "> AND userid like '%' #{keyWord} '%' </if> <if test="keyWord!='' and keyType=='content' "> AND content like '%' #{keyWord} '%' </if> </where> order by id DESC limit #{start},#{rows} </select> <!-- 通過條件分頁查詢,返回總記錄數 --> <select id="selectPageCount" parameterType="net.stxy.one.model.Page" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(1) from content <where> <if test="keyWord!='' and keyType=='userid' "> AND userid like '%' #{keyWord} '%' </if> <if test="keyWord!='' and keyType=='content' "> AND content like '%' #{keyWord} '%' </if> </where> </select>