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Transformation of Coordinate Spaces(空間坐標轉換)

發布時間:2020-06-29 10:05:35 來源:網絡 閱讀:448 作者:lihtao 欄目:開發技術



A coordinate space is a planar space based on the Cartesian(1) coordinate system. This system provides a means of specifying the location of each point on a plane. It requires two axes that are perpendicular and equal in length. The following illustration shows a coordinate space.


illustration of a coordinate space, showing the origin, both axes, and the max and min values of each axis


?Transformation of Coordinate Spaces(空間坐標轉換)

The system supports four coordinate spaces, as described in the following table.


1.world Coordinate space


Used optionally as the starting coordinate space for graphics transformations. It allows scaling, translation, rotation, shearing, and reflection. World space measures 2^32 units high by 2^32 units wide.


可以任意選擇圖形轉換的坐標空間起始點.(英文文檔作者超越了計算機文化,而以數學家的角度看待笛卡爾坐標系為基礎的自定義坐標空間.等同于對笛卡爾坐標系進行嚴謹的詮釋.可以考慮用于計算機的攝相頭硬件,在有限平面空間內,攝向頭會以轉到的方向為起始點攝出圖案.).世界坐標可以放大縮小(比如:坐標單位長度),轉換(比如:從X-Y坐標轉換成極坐標),旋轉(這種形式比較少見,比如把X-Y軸順時針旋轉π/6),剪切(比如:只留X-Y坐標的第一象限),求逆(把X-Y坐標軸方向改變,WIN32中就有相應的API).世界(坐標)空間(是對現實世界的反映),無論橫坐標還是縱坐標,(坐標)空間可細分或放大232 倍單位長度.(即4294967296個單位長度.

2.page Coordinate space


pageUsed either as the next space after world space or as the starting space for graphics transformations. It sets the mapping mode. Page space also measures 2^32 units high by 2^32 units wide.



頁面坐標空間可以看成一個后繼的世界坐標空間(頁面坐標空間個數與世界坐標空間個為數一比一)也可以看作世界坐標空間經過圖形變幻(圖形變幻是指分割,縮放,轉換,旋轉,剪切,求逆等操作將頁面坐標空間個數與世界坐標空間個數比不為一比一).世界坐標空間分與頁面坐標空間使用映射模式轉換(可以想像計算機圖像通過打印機打印出來的情形.如果恰好打印機的A4紙能打印出計算機編輯圖像,那么計算機的圖像個數和打印機打出的A4圖像個數是一比一的.如果計算機編輯的圖像很大,打印機的A4紙打印不出來全部.那么計算機圖像個數和打印機打出的A4紙圖像個數不是一比一).頁面(坐標)空間(是對介質容量的考查),無論橫坐標還是縱坐標,(坐標)空間可細分或放大232 倍單位長度(介質也是現實世界的一部分).

3.device Coordinate space


deviceUsed as the next space after page space. It only allows translation, which ensures the origin of the device space maps to the proper location in physical device space. Device space measures 2^27 units high by 2^27 units wide.



4.physical Coordinate space


physical deviceThe final (output) space for graphics transformations. It usually refers to the client area of the application window; however, it can also include the entire desktop, a complete window (including the frame, title bar, and menu bar), or a page of printer or plotter paper, depending on the function that obtained the handle to the device context. Physical device dimensions vary according to the dimensions set by the display, printer, or plotter technology.


Page space works with device space to provide applications with device-independent units, such as millimeters and inches. This overview refers to both world space and page space as logical space.


To depict output on a physical device, the system copies (or maps) a rectangular region from one coordinate space into the next using a transformation until the output appears in its entirety on the physical device.?

物理輸出設備繪圖(流程如下):系統API坐某坐標空間(逐依)拷貝或(按規定)映射[注1]一個長方形區域到它的下層坐標空間[注2] ,這個長方形區域在不同的坐標空間需要進行轉換(圖型轉換或是格式轉換),直到(要求的)整體圖像在物理設備都顯示出來.

Mapping begins in the application's world space if the application has called the SetWorldTransform function; otherwise, mapping occurs in page space. As the system copies each point within the rectangular region from one space into another, it applies an algorithm called a transformation.?

A transformation alters (or transforms) the size, orientation, and shape of objects that are copied from one coordinate space into another. Although a transformation affects an object as a whole, it is applied to each point, or to each line, in the object.

The following illustration shows a typical transformation performed by using the SetWorldTransform function.illustration showing a rectangle that changes size and position as it appears in the world space, page space, device space, and the device

Transformation of Coordinate Spaces(空間坐標轉換)

1.cartesian [kɑ??ti?zi?n] ?n.法國數學家,[數]笛卡爾直角坐標

2.coordinate vt.協調


n. ? ?[數]坐標

3.planar [?ple?n?(r)] adj.平面的;

4.a means ofphr. ?一種手段



7.perpendicularadj.垂直的; 成直角的; 垂直式的

8.shear [???(r)] vi. ? 剪切,修剪,穿越

9.either as ... or ? ? ? ?phr. ?可以當作……也可以當作

10.origin n. ? ?起源,源頭.引申為二進制存儲的偏移起始位

11.plotter [?pl?t?(r)]n. ? (計算機)繪圖儀,描繪器,陰謀家,秘密策劃者

12.vary ? ? ?v. ? (大小、形狀等)相異,不同,改變,變更

13.millimetern. ? ?毫米

14.inchen.英寸 1inche = 25.4 millimeter


16.as prep.當作,如同


[注1] 比如空間坐標中的兩點(x,y)經過一次映射變成了(x',y')


a.world Coordinate space

b.page Coordinate space

c.device Coordinate space

d.physical Coordinate space




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