

ubuntu dkms使用中的常見錯誤

2024-08-01 22:49:14
欄目: 智能運維

  1. Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file This error occurs when the dkms.conf file is missing or located in the wrong directory. To fix this error, make sure the dkms.conf file is located in the correct directory (/usr/src/<module_name>-<module_version>/dkms.conf) and contains the correct information.

  2. Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: x.x.x-x-generic (x86_64) This error occurs when the DKMS module fails to build on the specified kernel version. To fix this error, try updating the DKMS module to a version that is compatible with the kernel version or check for any compatibility issues between the module and the kernel.

  3. Error! DKMS tree already contains: <module_name>-<module_version> This error occurs when the DKMS module is already installed in the system. To fix this error, you can either remove the existing DKMS module using the “dkms remove” command or force the installation of the module using the “–force” option.

  4. Error! Module version x.x.x for <module_name> is not newer than what is already found in kernel x.x.x-x-generic (x86_64) This error occurs when the DKMS module version is not newer than the version already installed in the kernel. To fix this error, you can either update the DKMS module to a newer version or force the installation of the module using the “–force” option.

  5. Error! Unable to locate the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel This error occurs when the kernel source tree is not installed on the system. To fix this error, you can install the kernel source tree using the appropriate package manager or download the kernel source code from the official kernel website.

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