


2024-07-06 18:15:11
欄目: 編程語言

  1. Filtering options: FileMonitor allows users to set up filtering options to monitor only specific files or directories based on file extensions, file size, file attributes, or file name patterns.

  2. Event triggers: Users can configure FileMonitor to trigger specific actions when certain events occur, such as file creation, modification, or deletion.

  3. Notification settings: FileMonitor offers advanced notification settings, allowing users to receive email notifications, log notifications to a file, or execute custom commands when monitored events occur.

  4. Regular expression support: FileMonitor supports regular expressions, enabling users to create complex patterns for filtering and matching files.

  5. Backup and recovery options: Users can set up backup and recovery options to automatically save previous versions of files before they are modified or deleted.

  6. Custom scripts: FileMonitor allows users to execute custom scripts or commands in response to monitored events, providing a high level of flexibility and customization.

  7. Integration with external systems: FileMonitor can be integrated with other systems or applications through APIs or webhooks, enabling users to automate workflows and processes based on monitored events.

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